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"You're not worried about any articles being written about us or-"

"Camz, I really don't care about what they write."

"My publicist probably will." Camila comments, smiling however as they're ready to drive away from the rehab centre.

"Mine too." Lauren says. "But whatever. Let's get the fuck out of here."

Camila nods and shivers when feeling a familiar hand on her knee as she drives away. It feels weird finally being able to drive away with the green eyed beauty by her side.

"This is so weird." Lauren says, squeezing Camila's knee shortly as she facility disappears out of their sight.

"I was just thinking the same." Camila says, shortly looking in Lauren's direction and smiling. "But a good kinda weird, right?"

In the corner of her eyes she sees Lauren nodding. They sit in silence then, Lauren observing her surroundings and Camila observing the road in front of her.

"You're quiet."

"It's weird, I feel like I'm a prisoner let free from jail, you know?"

"You kinda were a prisoner in there. I mean it was fancy but you were still locked up."


"I'm glad you're out."

"Me too." Lauren admits, smiling. "It just feels weird still."

The two girls eventually arrive at Lauren's place, where a huge amount of paparazzi are gathered once again, of course. Lauren audibly sighs and Camila places a hand on her shoulder. "Come on, once we're inside we'll be fine."

Lauren nods and smiles before opening the passenger door and getting out, her bodyguard suddenly there as well. Camila had taken care of that. She pulled a bag filled with groceries out of the back of the car. Before following Lauren into her front-yard and closing the fence behind her. The paparazzi men were, of course, shouting things at them again. But she was getting used to it by now.

"Thanks Bob." Lauren says to her guard as he holds the door open for her and Camila.

"Great to have you back here, Miss Jauregui." Bob replies, smiling at the famous singer before closing the door and leaving Camila and Lauren alone in the familiar hallway.

"Whoa, it's weird to be here."

"It smells like you." Camila blurts out, to which Lauren giggles.

"Good to know."

The two girls walk into the living room and Lauren looks around amazement. "It's so clean."

"Your guards were bored I guess." Camila says innocently.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

Camila looks away from the girl and walks over to the kitchen. "I might've been here yesterday."

"Bob let you in, didn't he?"


"I should talk to the man. Don't want no strangers in my home." Lauren jokes as she sets her backpack down onto the couch.

Camila scoffs. "Strangers. Ha."

"Well, no label, right?" Lauren says as she walks over to the brown haired Latina, who's unpacking the grocery bag in the kitchen and pouring both of them a glass of water. "I mean you are acting quite a lot like a wifey right now."

Camila sets the glasses down harshly and raises an eyebrow. "I could leave right now, you get that, right?"

Lauren shakes her head. "Please don't." She says before wrapping her arms around the other girl and pulling her into a tight hug, taking in her familiar strawberry-like scent. "I appreciate all this. Thanks."

Camila giggles into her shoulder. "Is the Lauren Jauregui thanking me right now?" She asks, pretending not to smell Lauren's amazing scent from close-by.

"I can be nice sometimes you know." Lauren says. "Ask my fans."

Camila steps back and rolls her eyes. "I am your fan, dumbass."

"That's why I said it." Lauren smiles.

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