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Camila's brown eyes are glued to the ground as she sits in the bus on her way to Lauren's appartment.

She is fidgeting with her fingernails as she taps her foot onto the floor. The bus stops and she knows that she would have to get out at the next stop.

She puts the music on her phone louder, hoping to get rid of her nerves a little. Last night when she had called Lauren, she couldnt do it anymore. She couldnt take missing the girl any longer and she hated it.

She looks up as she notices the bus is slowing down. She gathers herself and gets up from her seat, her bare legs slightly sticking to the blue leather seat.  It's a hot day and she is wearing some black, high-waisted shorts together with a blue blouse.

The bus comes to a halt and she gets out, the warm air hitting her. She stares at her surroundings, noticing the huge mansions she's now surounded by.

She looks down at her phone, where she had opened google maps. It would be a five minute long walk from here and Camila knew it would feel a lot shorter.

Her legs slowly start taking her where her destination is and she tries taking deep breaths. She has no idea why she is even this nervous. Meeting Lauren is just pretty exciting. She hadnt even known the girl still lived with her parents, but seeing the huge villa's around her, she was now pretty sure about that.

Lauren and her had started texting about half a year ago, yet she felt like she didnt really know her. There were still so many secrets to be discovered. At least she knew it was a girl, she heard that.

"Can I help you ma'am?" A voice speaks through her loud music. She takes out her earphones and smiles a nervous smile at the man in suit in front of her.

"Oh no, I-I'm sorry." She mumbles, shaking her head and looking down. "Im looking for Tradin Avenue number 76?"

"Ah so it is you, miss Cabello?" The man says, making Camila's head pop up.

"H-huh.." She mumbles, her eyes widened as she stares at the man.

"Miss Lauren is waiting for you." The man smiles. "Sorry she can't pick her up at the door herself, we have to do that." The man says, pointing at his collegue, who nods and smiles.

"O-oh okay." Camila stutters, forcing a nervous smile.

"Follow me." The man says before walking through the gate and towards the entrance of a huge mansion that Camila somehow vaguely reconized.

"Miss Lauren will be opening the door for you." The man says then, "I'm sorry, she does not like me using her last name." He giggles before walking through the huge garden filled with flowers and plants. Camila is surprised needless to say.

She tries gathering herself before ringing the fancy bell that hung next to the door, somehow feeling even more nervous now that she knows the girl is rich.

"Fuck.." She breathes out before reaching her hand up to ring the bell. The paper bag that she is holding is gripped firmly between her fingers.

She hears footsteps on the other side of the huge door and takes one last deep breath before the door is opened slowly but surely.

She looks down at the floor shortly and when she looks back up a beautiful raven haired girl is stood in front of her.

"Hey." The girl says. But Camila is too stunned to even breathe and so she let's out a quivering breath as a reply.

"I- It's you." She mumbles, dropping the paper bag that she had been holding onto so firmly.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now