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Lauren and Camila both take their seats in the car, Lauren in the passenger seat and Camila behind the wheel but a heavy silence rests between the two girls.

"Please tell me I didn't just help you escape a psychiatric centre." Camila breathes out then, looking at the side of Lauren's face.

"I- I mean technically I was released." Lauren says, turning her head to meet Camila's worried gaze. "I just had to make them believe that you- you're my fiancée."

Camila puts a hand in front of her mouth before slapping Lauren's arm with the other one. "Oh my god Lauren." She breathes out. "And you think they won't find out?"

"Doesn't matter, now that I'm out I can make sure my record label people will take care of all that shit." Lauren replies easily.

Camila scoffs before she runs a hand through her hair and opens the car door. "Camila what are-"

"Go back in, right now." She orders the black haired girl, getting out of the vehicle and walking around to open the passengers door as well. "Now!"

"Camz, shush. They'll think-"

"You lied to get out of there, I can't believe you." Camila says right in Lauren's face. "You're in there for a reason, Lauren."

"Camz, come on. I would've been released in two weeks anyway." Lauren tries to calm the brown eyed girl down by taking her hand in hers but she pulls it away quickly, her brows furrowed. "Plus you haven't really been that active on text.. I- I feel lonely in there .." She tries then, speaking the truth but also trying to win Camila over.

Camila stands still for a moment, wondering what she should do. "Lauren, this is a bad fucking plan." She says then. "You shouldn't be escaping that place, you should be properly released."

Lauren shakes her head and looks at the other girl with pleading eyes. "Camila I'm going crazy in there."

Camila shakes her head as well however. "You should go back." She says. "I'm sorry Lo but this isn't the right way. Dinah and I aren't even home this next week, she has family shit all week and I got studio stuff to do."

Lauren looks down, slightly hurt by what Camila said just now. "Oh, I thought maybe you could-"

"Turn our whole lives around for you?" Camila finishes her sentence sharply. "Seriously Lo?"

"I thought-"

Camila rolls her eyes. "Gosh I can't believe you. Do you even care about anyone else's feelings or whatsoever?" She spits at the girl, venom dripping off her tongue as she speaks. "As if I haven't taken care of you already Lauren, I have been broken by you and I fucking healed myself to fucking even like you as a human being again. How can you-"


Camila scoffs. "I AM HAPPY TO SEE YOU!"

Lauren rolls her eyes and looks down again. "Well you have a weird way of showing it."

Camila shakes her head. "You don't get it, Lauren."

"Stop saying my name like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you despise me."

Camila looks at Lauren, who is still sat in the passenger seat, looking down at her lap, playing with the hem of her sweater.

"I don't despise you.." Camila breathes out, finding it hard to see the green eyed girl like this. "You know how much I care for you.." She says, a little softer. "Right?"

Lauren stays quiet until the softest sobs comes rolling out of her mouth. "I- I feel like I don't know anything anymore.." She whispers before looking up. "About you.. or about anyone.."

Camila sighs. "Oh Lo.." She says softly, pulling at the girl's arm to make her stand up. "Come here.."

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