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Lauren Jauregui in rehab

Lauren Jauregui addicted to alcohol and drugs

Lauren Jauregui almost died in coma because of heavy drug abuse

Lauren Jauregui dropped by record label and spit out by music industry

Lauren Jauregui forced into rehab clinic

Lauren Jaure-

"Camila, stop reading those god damn headlines."

"I can't .." Camila mutters, staring at her laptop screen. "The media is such a circus."

"We already knew that, didn't we?" Dinah comments darkly, plopping down on her bed.

Camila looks up from her laptop screen then. "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." Dinah mumbles, staring at the ceiling, her eyebrows furrowed.

Camila sighs before walking over to her friend's side of the room. "It's that Normani girl, huh?"

Dinah looks down immediately and rapidly shakes her head. "Shut up." She mutters.

Camila starts smiling before poking her best friend's side. "Oh my god, biggest crush ever."

"Shut. Up. Camila." Dinah says strictly, still not meeting the other girl's eyes however. "I've broken up with Lisa like two weeks ago. I can't go and dat someone else already." Camila keeps on smiling however before she starts tickling her best friend's belly. Making Dinah burst out into laughter unintentionally. "S-stop.. M-Milaaaa!"

Both girls end up snorting in laughter in Dinah's bed.

"Just admit it DJ." Camila breathes out, laying on her back beside the blonde girl.


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