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Three days later:

Camila: Lolo.. I miss you so much

Camila: I wish you would be allowed to use your phone

Camila: I'm so sorry that I can't be there for you right now

Camila: You'll be okay again, I promise

Camila: Please take good care of yourself okay?


Four days later:

Camila: Lauren..

Camila: I wish I could be with you

Camila: I hope you're okay..


Ten days later:

Camila: I can't stop listening to your voicemail


Twenty days later:

Camila: I just read on the news that you tried to escape from the rehab place

Camila: Let them help you Lo..

Camila: Please let them help you


Twentyfive days later:

Camila: I spoke with Lucy today, we're gonna meet up tomorrow. She seems nice.

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