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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep...

Lauren awakes to the sound of high pitched heart rate beeps, which fill her ears and make her wonder where the hell she is and what the hell had happened. 'Hello?' She tries to say, failing however, as the sound of her own voice, doesn't fill her ears. She realises then, that a massive tube is put down her throat.

This is when she starts panicking and hears her own heart rate go up. "O-oh my god. You're awake.." She hears someone say beside her. "S-Stay- try to stay calm okay, I-Ill go get the nurse." 'Easy for you to say' Lauren tries to say as only a muffled groan comes out, and she is left feeling like she's chocking on that got damn tube even more.

She lifts her arm up then, to pull the stupid thing out but is interrupted by someone apparently noticing her plans.

"No! No, no, no, no! Lo, don't pull the tube out. It helps you breathe."

Wait.. she recognises that voice..

"We can actually get it out, now that she's awake." Another voice says. "It's not very pleasant."

Lauren's heart rate is still out of the roof while she's listening to another pair of footsteps walking into the room. "Janet, let's get it out now. Her pulse is too high, she's stressing."

Suddenly the bed is moved up slightly, so that her head is moved up a little, making it possible for her to look into the room. She blinks a few times, the white walls quite blinding, but she notices a familiar figure standing beside her. She can't turn her head really, since it's held by this foam looking block, but the figure becomes more clear with the second. However, one of the nurses stands beside her, blocking her view before they suddenly count down and she feels herself gagging and almost throwing up. An loud burping sound escapes her throat before she is freed of the thick tube that they'd stuck in her throat.

"Okay. Stable. We'll come back in a little while to run some tests together with the doctor." One of the nurses says before grabbing the foam block as well and leaving her alone in her room. It's finally quiet and she sighs, watching how the two nurses make their way down the hallway to another patients, room. Lauren wonders what happened to her and why she was in a hospital. She can't really remember wha-


A shriek escapes the green eyed girls' sore throat as she moves her head to the side slightly, now that the foam block had been removed as well. Her eyes widen when seeing the brown eyed girl she'd been dreaming and thinking about so much. The heart monitor started beeping a little faster as she stared at her, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. "C-Camz?" She mumbles.

Camila smiles widely, relieved the girl seemed to be recognising her and able to talk and shakes her head. "Lauren Jauregui.. you got me so fucking worried.."

Lauren stares at Camila's face for a while, admiring it before replying; "I-I don't know what happened.."

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