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Two weeks later:

ItsCameela: Do you have brothers and sisters?

JustLaur: Well hello to you too :)

JustLaur: Yes I do, a brother and a sister. Don't see them so much tho with all the touring

JustLaur: What about you?

ItsCameela: Ughgg just tell me the truth

JustLaur: I am!

ItsCameela: Ill just asume you tell your life through Lauren's AGAIN

ItsCameela: So yeah I have a little sis

JustLaur: Lol, whatevs

JustLaur: Thats cute tho, how old is she?

ItsCameela: 11 :)

ItsCameela: She's cute but she can be a pain in the ass sometimes

ItsCameela: Glad I don't live at home anymore, thank god

JustLaur: Haha good for you

ItsCameela: What about you?

JustLaur: What about me?

ItsCameela: You doing college?

JustLaur: HA

JustLaur: Well, sometimes I wish but nope. I sing, remember?

ItsCameela: Right..

JustLaur: Which College are you attending?

ItsCameela: Florida International Uni

JustLaur: Ah! Nice I always wanted to go there!

JustLaur: I'm also from Miami you see

ItsCameela: Ah okay, where did you go to high school? *still pretending ur the real Lauren* *as always*

JustLaur: Carrollton

ItsCameela: Ah I went to Palmetto

JustLaur: Omg that's so close to my old school! Maybe i've seen you once

JustLaur: Well I mean I have already seen you once at one or my shows apparently but I meant when we were little

JustLaur: Oh shit, I gtg. Jet is taking off in 2 min. Laterssss

ItsCameela: Laters fake Lauren :)

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