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"So what are you doing in Paris?" Lauren asks as she feels her phone vibrate in her bra. She fishes it out of there to see that Camila was calling her again. She thinks about picking up, because she misses her and she feels bad about ignoring her. But then decides to ignore her again instead. She doesn't want to ruin her life and she's only gonna do just that if they would ever be together.

She's just going to act like a stone cold bitch in the hopes that Camila would eventually give up and find someone who she actually deserves.

"Uhm.. Lauren?" Lucy asks, waving a hand in front of the singer's face. "Whoa, you were lost in there." She says, pointing at her head. "Trouble in paradise?" She asks, grinning at the green eyed girl next to her.

Lauren chuckles darkly before downing her drink. "Which paradise?" She replies before putting up her hand and ordering two shots of tequila.

Lucy laughs before downing her own drink as well. "Girl, you drink fast."

"Used to doing it." Lauren replies, sounding like a dark creature.

"Okay you seem pretty lost in your own little world. Come on, let's have some fun." The girl with the light mood replies, smiling at her. Their two shots are placed in front of them and she downs it carelessly. Lauren smiles shortly before doing the same and getting up as well.

"Come on." Lucy says, grabbing Lauren's hand, which sends a weird kind of shiver through the green eyed girl's body. Not the kind of shiver she'd get when Camila would grab her hand or even look at her, but it was still a good kind of shiver. She shook her head rapidly, trying to get the thoughts of Camila out of her head.

Tonight she was going to try and forget about the whole mess that she was and she was going to drink and dance and drink and dance and laugh.

Lucy seemed to have the exact same idea, because she's moving her hips from side to side sensually, making Lauren lick her lips. Lauren does the same and feels how Lucy places her hands on her hips, making her shiver again. The two girls dance and dance closely together, until their feet are numb and their mouths are dry.

Lauren gestures to go and get a drink and so that's what they do, she orders another random cocktail and downs it before Lucy can even start drinking hers before she feels her phone ring in her bra again. She fishes it out of there and tries reading the name on the screen but it's all blurry. Lucy then snatches the device from her hands and reads the name on the screen. "Camila.." She mumbles before sliding the green button and picking it up.

"NO!" Lauren calls out, but it's to late. Lucy is already holding up the phone to her ear.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now