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Camila sent a picture

Camila sent a picture

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Camila: Cute

Lauren: It was SO busy at the airport

Lauren: Like.. we didn't expect that

Camila: Awhh are you okay?

Lauren: Yeah pff Im at the hotel now

Lauren: There were so many people Camz

Lauren: The security team almost couldn't contain all of them

Camila: Shit..

Camila: Sure you're okay?

Lauren: Yeah it was just a panicky situation. Im okay now

Camila: Okay babe, good. Get some rest okay?

Camila sent a picture

Camila: Kisses from me

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Camila: Kisses from me

Lauren: WOW you look amazing

Lauren: Where are you!?

Camila: Well I got a call this morning just after you left

Camila: This radio channel wants us to come and sing a song there


Camila: Yes!!

Camila: 😱

Lauren: 🙆🏼🙆🏼🙆🏼!!!!

Lauren: Thats amazing Camz!!

Lauren: Have fun!! Make sure to record it! I wanna hear it when I'm back!

Camila: Will do, tttyl 😘

Lauren: 😘

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