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Lauren is sitting on the balcony of her hotel room, smoking a cigarette. She hates how much she is hurting Camila but she can't take it any longer. She has too much of a miserable life to be sharing it with such a precious person as her. She knows she doesn't deserve someone as great as Camila and so she has decided the brown eyed girl would be better of without her.

"I'm so sorry.." She slurs as she takes another swig of some pure whiskey from the bottle. Her phone keeps buzzing in her pocket and she just chooses to ignore it, not wanting to hurt even more or hurt the other girl more.

She knows she had to attend some stupid, French award show in an hour, but here she is, drinking her favourite whiskey and sitting on an ice-cold balcony, half-naked after she'd come out of the shower. She's glad that she'd gotten the hotel room on the 10th floor, so that no one could see her.

A loud knock sounds on the door of her hotel room and she groans before getting up. "Who is it?!" She shouts at the door. "Get ready Lauren, we're leaving in thirty minutes and Simone still has to do your make-up after you got dressed."

"I can do my own make-up!"

A sigh sounds from the other side of the door and Lauren puts the bottle of whiskey on the glass table the hotel room provided and walked over to her closet, which her 'style adviser' guy had filled with her clothing neatly.

She choses for a simple, dark blue looking cat-suit and puts it on before walking over to the bathroom, where she applies some make-up. She choses for some heavy eyeliner for the night, so that it looks like she's actually done a lot of effort.

After about fifteen minutes she's finished and she sits down on the leather couch in the middle of the room. She snatches the bottle off the table and takes another swig, waiting to be picked up for the show.

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