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Lauren doesn't exactly know when it had happened but at some point Camila and her had laid down in bed, underneath the comfy covers and were now cuddled together, watching an episode of Vampire Diaries.

Lauren's head is on Camila's chest and one of the brown eyed girl's arms is tightly wrapped around the famous singer. It is safe to say that Lauren has not felt any safer or happier in a long, long time.

She listens how Camila's heart rate picks up whenever a scary moment would appear in the series. She herself isn't so easily scared and finds joy in listening to the rhythm of the other girl's heartbeat.

She feels Camila's hand softly stroke her arm sometimes, probably not on purpose. Goosebumps rose up on her arm every time she did so however and she just hoped the girl didn't notice.

"Are you cold?" She asks then.

So she had noticed.

"N-no." Lauren lamely stutters.

"You've got-"

"Goosebumps, yeah I have that-" Lauren wanted to lie to the girl next to her but she couldn't force herself to do so. "It- It's because you were like- like with your fingers on- on my arm. You know?"

The cutest giggle escapes from Camila's mouth and she purposely moves her fingers over the singer's arm. Lauren laughs and pulls her arm away playfully. "S-stop it." She laughs.

Camila keeps on doing it however, even moving her hands down to the other girl's sides now. "So.. ticklish." She sing-songs. Lauren scoots away from the girl, bursting out in laughter as her fingers are now poking her sides. "S-sto-stop Cam-Camila!"

The two start tickling on another then, Lauren deciding to fight back, since there's no chance Camila was going to stop anyway. Turns out Camila is just as ticklish, lucky for her.

They're laughing loudly as they tickle each other's sides and arms, the blankets they were laying underneath, flying around them now.

They stop all of their movements as someone steps into the room.

"What the fuck?!"

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