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"I don't know what the hell is up with you, but I like it." Dinah comments as she walks into the room, having dropped her bags onto the floor after seeing Camila smile. Actually smile.

"I met up with Lucy."

Dinah's mouth practically falls open then. "Y-you what?"

Camila giggles as she's laying on her bed, laptop on her lap. "I met up with Lucy."

"Please, please, please tell me you two didn't have sex.."

Camila looks up in shock then. "WHAT?! Jheez Dinah.. no!"

"Well you never know with them Lezzo's."

"Oh my god, never use that word again."

"Lezzo's, Lesbicanos, Lessies, Les-"

"Shut up please." Camila laughs, shutting her laptop as she makes her way to her friend. "You're gay yourself. Oh my god by the way, you just had a fucking date with Normani Kordei." She grins, tapping Dinah's nose before walking towards the kitchen and fetching herself a bottle of water. "Speaking of which, how was it?"

Dinah rolls her eyes. "How- We- It wasn't a date." She stammers awkwardly, looking at her friend with wide eyes. "I mean we.. we just hung out.."

"Didn't you guys go out for lunch and didn't you text me that the girl bought you flowers?" Camila  asks drily as she sits back down onto her bed, her legs crossed as she takes a sip of cold water, giving her friend a knowing stare.

"That doesn't mean it-"

Camila laughs and throws her hands up in the air. "Don't you dare, Dinah-Jane."

A small little smile crosses over Dinah's face then as she sits down opposite of Camila, on her bed. "It- I guess it was a date."

Camila winks at her and smiles. "Well, was it a nice date?"

Dinah nods quickly, looking down at her lap. "We walked down the boulevard and she grabbed my hand."

"You guys held hands while walking down the fucking boulevard!?"

"Hell yeah!"

Camila does a little cheer session before tapping Dinah's forehead with her pointer finger. "Oh my god, when are you guys going to marry?"

"Shut up, I'm not-"

"Don't!" Camila warns her best friend. "Stop trying to identify you sexuality Dinah. You're you and that's it. Don't make it so difficult for yourself."

"But I've never really liked girls that way.." Dinah sighs.

"But you like her don't you?"

"Hell yeah I do."

"Well whatever then, just enjoy it."

"Okay but you have to help me if she and I will get frea-"

The sound of a loud buzz fills the room and when Camila looks down at her phone she notices that a very familiar name is written on it's screen.

"No way.."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now