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Camila makes her way down to class when being hugged from the side by no one other than Dinah-Jane, her best friend.

"Hey you!" She shouts into her ear happily. Camila cringes at the loud sound and just hums a quiet answer.

"Grumpy?" Dinah asks.

Camila just nods, runs a hand through her now ruffled up hair and adjusts the straps of her red backpack.


The brown eyed girl shrugs and shakes her head no.

"Let me guess, it has something to do with your girlfriend?" Dinah teases, a grin on her face.

Camila's gaze shoots up, she stares at her friend in anger. "She's not my girlfriend." She hisses before looking around the busy hallway.

"Sure Jan."

"Fuck off." Camila says, shoving Dinah to the side before making her way to class.


"Okay yes we had a fight okay, can you please just leave it now?" Camila sighs annoyedly, her best friend making it hard not to get angry at her.

"Ha." Dinah laughs. "Knew it."

Camila shrugs. Their classes were over for the day and she just wants to get to her room and lay in bed.

"What happened?" Dinah asks then, her voice more genuine.

"She isn't showing her fucking face and it's annoying."

"Oh." Dinah answers.

"Yeah." Camila replies. "I talked with her on the phone though."

"Did you? When?"

"Last night." Camila answers. "And Dinah, oh my gosh she has the sexiest voice. Like all raspy and shit."

"Damn." Dinah laughs. "But what happened?"

"Well we were about to go on face-time." Camila explains as the two girls make their way over the campus on a hot summer day. "But then she said I would run away if I knew what she was like and she couldnt do it."

"Then what?"

"Then I told her I can't talk to a stranger any longer and I blocked her."

"No way!" Dinah shouts then. "Oh my god Mila."

"What? If she can't even show her face then why should I still talk with her. It's been like six months of texting Dinah."

"You like her." Dinah states then.

"I- Excuse you. I d-"

"Admit it dumbass, it's written all over your face when youre talking about her." Dinah says as the two of them make their way into their buiding. "It's a fact. Admit it."

"I- I don't l-like her." Camila replies weakly. "I don't even know her.

"You do though." Dinay says as she opens up the door of their shared room. "You know everything about her, you just don't know her face."

Camila stays quiet, following her best friend into their room before throwing her bag onto her bed and sitting down. "Whatever." She mumbles.

"She might still be Lauren Jaure-"

"Shut up." Camila says then. "That's impossible and you know it." She grabs her phone, her earphones and plugs them in, shutting herself off and laying down.

She watches how Dinah smiles, shrugs and then dissapears into the bathroom. Camila shuts her eyes forcefully, trying not to think of the girl she likes texting with so much. She acts as if every love song she hears doesnt make her think of her and lays still in her bed, wondering who Lauren really was.

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