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"You really think it's good?" Camila asks the green eyed singer, who nods and smiles immediately.

"Everyone will love it."

"Oh my god." Camila says, putting her hands in front of her eyes. This is just so surreal. It's my biggest dream. And you're fucking Lauren Jauregui and you like my album and ugh.."

Lauren laughs. "Life is good?"

Camila looks up at her and pulls at her arm to make her sit down next to her. "Life is very good." She says as Lauren sits down next to her.

"God, it's good to see you this happy." Lauren says, smiling at the brown eyed Latina.

"It's good to see you happy too." Camila replies, looking into those green eyes. "I-I mean you are happy right?"

Lauren nods while smiling. "Very." She says. "I've missed you a lot when I was in there Camz. It's so good to finally be able to see you a lot now. Even though you're really busy."

"I'm so glad that you're out of there." Camila says. "You're probably gonna miss the food though."

"Oh but I'd rather have you than great food."

Camila rolls her eyes. "Oh such a compliment." She gasps dramatically, making Lauren chuckle.

The two stare into one another's eyes for a while before the green eyed superstar scrapes her throat. "Camz.." she sighs. "I- I've been thinking.. a lot while I was in there and-"

"Yes." Camila says, interrupting the girl while taking both of her hands in hers.

Lauren looks up in surprise, her thick eyebrows raised. "Y-yes? Yes what?"

"Yes I feel the same way for you. Yes I've missed you in just the same way. Yes I want to be with you. Yes I love you too. Yes. Yes. Yes."

Lauren stares at the girl next to her with her mouth open. "Y-you.."

She doesn't have the chance to say another word, since a pair of soft lips are roughly placed on hers.

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