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"Hey." Lucy says, a smug grin on her face as she stands in the doorframe, just wearing her underwear.

Dinah's eyes scan the girl down before moving towards Lauren, who is standing in the hallway awkwardly.

"I promise you Dinah, this is not-"

"It better not be." Dinah says as she storms past Lucy, who only smiles, not saying anything else, just staring at the girl. "Explain." Dinah says as she sits down on Lauren's couch, a bag on her lap.

"This is Lucy, a f-"

"Fuckbuddy of yours, yeah I know. Mila tells me everything, remember?"

Lauren quickly shakes her head and sits down next to Camila's best friend. "F-former fuckbuddy!" She quickly says, making Lucy snicker from the hallway. "We- I mean- I-"

Dinah gives her a confused, yet angry look.

"She's staying here because her house is getting renovated." Lauren explained. "And she's walking around in her underwear because she's weird as fuck and has no shame at all. I swear there's nothing going on between her and I. Y-You know how much I love Camila.."

Dinah narrows her eyes shortly at the green eyed singer before giving her a short look. "Camila better know this shit."

Lauren's eyes widen. "Well.."

"Lauren!" Dinah says as Lucy slowly darts into the room and then up the stairs. "You better fucking tell her about this sleepover situation, or I will."

"N-no, I will tell her." Lauren says, nodding her head up and down quickly. "I'll tell her okay?"

Dinah rolls her eyes. "You better not screw her up, Lauser." She says, placing the bag she's holding, onto the couch, next to Lauren. "She asked me to drop this off here. It's her sleeping stuff and some clothing for Monday when she arrives here."

"Oh, thanks." Lauren says. "D-do you- I mean are you staying for a drink or something or are you busy."

"Oh, no sorry." Dinah replies, her mood a little bit lighter now. "I have to go to work. But thanks."

Lauren smiles at Camila's best friend, hoping she hadn't just ruined whatever beginning friendship they had been forming. "Okay."

"See you later." Dinah says. "You better beha-"

"Dinah.." Lauren sighs dramatically.

"I'm just looking out for my cutie."

"She's my cutie too."

"I know.

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