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Two months and a lot of texts later:

ItsCameela: Hey you! We barely spoke today!!

JustLaur: Hiiii, how did your classes go today? And Ikr, omg Ive been so busyyyy

ItsCameela: Pretty well, I had fun with Dinah and Mani in English, we kinda made fun of the teacher tho but yeah he was being a weirdo whatever haha

ItsCameela: How was your day?

JustLaur: Pretty good, I mean Claire was a fucking pain but I'm used to it by now, lol

JustLaur: Gonna eat some pizza now, ttyl


JustLaur: Haha I would if I could ;)

Later that evening

ItsCameela: Hey, can I ask you something?

JustLaur: Of course you can

ItsCameela: We've pretty much been texting every day for like two months now and I still have no idea who you are and I just wonder who you are and what you look like and ughhh, you know??

ItsCameela: Don't get me wrong, I LOVE talking with you about all of our opinions on the world and our favorite food and just talking with you brings a smile on my face but I can't help but wonder who you really are..

ItsCameela: I'm sorry if that sounded rude..

JustLaur: Ugh Camila, I get that you want to know who I am, but you seriously already do. Ive told you so many times already, my name is Lauren Jauregui. I am Lauren Jauregui.

JustLaur: I made my kik acount public that day because I was feeling lonely and I wondered if I'd meet some nice new people

JustLaur: And I did. I met you.

JustLaur: And a bunch of other freaks who wanted to have sex with me or other weird shit but you were there in between all of those and wow I'm glad we met.. I mean at first you weren't being all that nice to me but I feel like we really get along now though

JustLaur: But I understand if you don't believe me. I don't know if I would in your case..

ItsCameela: Im sorry, I just can't. Its too surreal.

JustLaur: I understand..

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