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"Wh-whoa." Camila breathes out, taking a step back. "Fuck." She says then. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.."

Lauren looks at her questioningly. "Ca-"

"Shit, fuck, shit, sorry Lauren.. I didn't know. I shouldn't have turned up here all drunk.." She stutters. "I forgot that you're.."

"An alcoholic?"

"Yes and sometimes I even forget who you really are.."

Lauren looks down at the ground, mentally wincing at the distance Camila was now putting between them. "Camz, i'm just me.."

Camila shakes her head. "You're Lauren Jauregui.." She breaths out, a silent tear making it's way down her cheek.

Lauren steps forward then and grabs the girl's wrist. "Camila, I'm just me." She says, her voice breaking as she tries to look into Camila's eyes. She looks away however.

"Lauren Jauregui.." Camila whispers as she takes another step back. Lauren let's go of her arm and stares at her blankly.

"Please don't- don't leave.." She mumbles, tears brimming her eyes. "Please don't be scared.. I'm just me. You know me."

Camila laughs cynically. "You're so god damn famous.." She says. "Fuck what are we even doing.. what are we even-"

Lauren steps forward, trapping Camila between her and the wall. "Camz, please look at me." She pleads.

Camila's tear filled eyes look up at her and stare into hers. "It's alright." Lauren says softly. "I got you, you got me. We're just us. That's all that matters."

Camila's eyes, still teary and distant at the same time, skip down to the green eyed girl's lips for a millisecond. Lauren notices it. Of course she does. She just wishes she hadn't  because now the thought of kissing the girl in front of her was an idea that grew bigger with the second.


Camila's lips smash onto Lauren's.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now