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Camila runs a hand through her hair, nervous about the interview she's having to with Radio Disney. The appointment was made by her label, Starlight, and she was kind of ordered to talk about her upcoming album, which she'd only just started writing.

"So Camila, tell us a bit about yourself. We're very curious to get to know you." The kind interviewer asks, her blonde hair shining in the bright spotlights they were sitting beneath.

"Well, what is there to tell?" Camila says lightheartedly. "I mean, I'm just me." She laughs, affecting the interviewer as well.

"There must be something to tell." The blonde woman smiles.

"I mean, I'm Camila, but you guys know that by now. And yeah I was in a band named Focus, we had a hit called Havana and now my solo album is in the making." She tells the woman kindly, speaking into a large, red microphone with a large Disney logo on it.

"Thats's great to hear." The woman replies. "And Havana is a great song, we played that a lot here on Radio Disney. What kind of music can we expect on your first solo album? I know you did an EP with your band, are you still in the band as well by the way?"

Camila quickly looks to the side, where Grace, her publicist, sat behind a large window. She was shaking her head, smiling however. It was weird.

"I- I still do projects with them." Camila replies. "I would like to focus on my upcoming album however. I'm not really sure what it will sound like yet, I mean I've only just started making it."

The blonde woman nods kindly. "That's great." She says. "We prepared a few quick questions which you're supposed to answer in 60 seconds, are you in?"

Camila smiles before nodding. "Of course I am." She says, her tired mind already wandering off because she actually just wants to get out of this radio place and text a certain green eyed famous singer. She'd dumbly forgotten her phone back at the studio however, so she had no idea what time it even was.

"Okay here we go. Let's call this quick questions with Camila Cabello." The woman says, smiling.

"Ohh, catchy." Camila says, smiling once more.

A show tune starts playing in her headphones. "Okay, favorite food?"

"Uhhmm, pizza?" Camila replies quickly.

"Favorite music genre?"

"P-pop? I think."

The interviewer laughs at Camila's doubtful answers. "Tacos or burritos?"

"Ta- I mean, bu- Tacos!" Camila says, yelling into the microphone excitedly.

"New York or L.A?"

"L.A, i've never been to NY."

"Interesting." The interviewer replies. "Favorite color?"

"Green." Camila replies instantly, knowing exactly why this was the color that popped into her mind immediately.

"Quick reply, whoa." The blonde woman says. "Okay last question, favorite singer?"

Camila stays quiet for a little longer when hearing this question. Not because she doesn't know the answer. She clearly does. She just doesn't want to start any rumors or conversation about either Lauren or her, or worse, them together. She has no idea if they were ever spotted together before and so she wasn't planning on actually talking about her.

"L-Lauren Jauregui." She decides on replying anyway.

"Awh, yeah tragic how she fell down the ladder of fame like that, isn't it?" The interviewer replied easily, striking a nerve in Camila's system without even noticing it.

"I- I don't really think it's just her fault to be honest." She replies quickly. "It could've happened to anybody."

The interviewer gives her a smile which she can't really point down. "Well anyway Camila, it was great to have you here. We hope to hear a lot more from you. Any idea when your new single should be out?"

Camila puts a fake smile on then and nods. "Somewhere in October hopefully."

"Oh next month already!"

"Yeah, I hope so. Thank you so much for having me here." She says then.

"Anytime, now here's Camila's band 'Focus' with Havana." The woman says, starting up the song that Camila had released with the band a few months ago.

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