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Lauren: Hi Camzzzz

Lauren: How was your daayyy

Camila: Hi baaaabeee

Lauren: Hehehe I love it when you call me babe

Camila: I knowwww

Camila: My day was pretty good. The interview went well and the performance was fine too

Camila: How was your day?

Lauren: Pretty boring

Lauren: Just another day filled with a lot of working out and a lot of non-alcoholic shit

Camila: Sounds soooo exciting

Lauren: You have no idea.

Camila sent a picture

Camila: Does this cheer u up a little?

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Camila: Does this cheer u up a little?

Lauren: 😍😍😍

Lauren: I have the prettiest girlfriend on EARTH

Camila: Staaaahpppp

Camila: Send me a selfie too

Lauren: But I'm not wearing any make-up

Camila: OH noooo, youre so hideous then..

Camila: Send me a picture dumbass, you're gorgeous

Lauren: ...

Lauren sent a picture


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Camila: And cool??

Camila: And sexy??!

Camila: Ugh I miss you

Lauren: Staaahpp caaamzii

Lauren: I miss you too!!

Lauren: I'll see you in two nights tho!

Camila: YAasss

Camila: OH by the way, did Dinah drop my stuff off?

Lauren: Yes she did

Camila: Niceeee, she didnt reply to my texts

Lauren: Camz

Camila: Lo?

Lauren: Don't freak out okay?

Camila: Wtf

Camila: Lauren wtf

Camila: What is going on??

Lauren: No, no, nothing serious

Lauren: It's just that Dinah was a bit pissed at me today because Lucy slept at my place last night and is sleeping here tonight again. Her house is being renovated. And she was walking around in her underwear and Dinah saw her and kinda freaked out.

Camila: ...

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