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"Enough talking 'bout my shit Camz. I'm doing way better now. I have you, I have friends. I'm more than okay. Tell me about you and how you grew up."

"Oh." Camila mumbles. "Well my dad is a homophobe so he kicked me out. End of story?" 

Lauren eyes widened. "What? But I thought you like call your family every single week?"

"My mom yeah. And my sister."

"Where do they live?" 


"Do they know about your album and about- well the rest of your life?"

"My sister does, so my mom probably does as well. We just talk about small stuff, my mom and I. It's like 'how are you' and then I say 'fine' and ask her about Sofi, you know?"

Lauren nods. "How old is she?"

"She just turned twelve." 

Lauren's gaze shifts down towards the ground. "Ugh.." She groans. "Why didn't I know this?"

"It's fine. We never really talked about family stuff." Camila says, looking up at Lauren while her chin is laying on the older girl's shoulder.

"Yeah but I feel like I know like half of you now." 

"Is it a good half?"


"Well then that's no problem." Camila chuckles before leaning down to take another bite of her sandwich. 

"But don't you think we're ought to know everything after like knowing each other for over a year?" Lauren wonders, sitting back and leaning on her albows.

"Over a year?" Camila asks, her mouth half-full.

"Yeah." Lauren smiles. "You send me my first text a year ago, yesterday."

"Holy fucking shit." Camila says, her eyes wide as she lays the sandwich down again. "You didn't even tell me."

"Was I supposed to?"

"Yes!" Camila says, smiling and slapping Lauren's arm. "Now I didn't do anything for our anniversary."

"You act like we're married for 20 years and you forgot it." Lauren says, rolling her eyes. "It's not a big deal Camz."

Camila giggles and looks at Lauren. The setting sun is hitting her face just right and she looks gorgeous. "Do you wanna get married?" She asks the green eyed singer, her voice a little softer than before.

Lauren's eyebrows furrow as she looks at Camila in surprise. "Like- like now? or like-"

Camila giggles. "Not now, idiot. Like in a few years."

"Yeah, well I've never really.. thought about it. But I guess I'd like to. If it would be the right person."

Camila smiles. "I wanna get married." She says. "On the beach, fancy white dress, nice music, a lot of friends and a lot of good food."

Lauren laughs. "Sounds like you've been planning this for a while."

Camila blushes and looks down before looking back up. "Maybe I have." She says. "But calm down, will you. It's our first date and like you just said, I barely know you." She jokes, using Lauren's words as a comeback. 

Lauren laughs and shakes her head. "Dumbass.."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now