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Camila rushed out of the building, her publicist running after her.

"Camila, we need you back at the studio to-"

"I'll be back later, I gotta go somewhere first. It's urgent." She says, climbing into Dinah's car, which she had borrowed for today.

"But the manager said-"

"I'll be at the studio at 7." She says before slamming the door shut and leaving the blonde haired 20 something year old standing there, mouth hanging half open.

The brunette slammed the keys in the ignition before pushing the gas pedal, taking off to where she'd promised to be. It was Friday after all and she had promised to visit Lauren.

"If this is what being famous is like, I don't think I like it.." Camila says to herself while she speeds onto the freeway, seeing on her dashboard that it's already 3:45 p.m and she had a visitors pass from 4 till 6.

Luckily the radio station that she'd visited today, wasn't too far away from the rehab centre and she should be able to reach the green eyed world star in time, hopefully.

To much of her annoyance, she had forgotten her phone at the studio earlier and wouldn't be able to text Lauren, again. She'd been so busy the past couple of days, that she hadn't even had or taken the time to text the other girl and she feels pretty guilty for it.

She hopes she can make it right again by showing up at the rehab centre's door.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now