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Camila stared at Lauren for what felt like forever. The green eyed girl's question hadn't come as a surprise really. But her words did. She knew that Lauren never really said things.. feeling related things, to anybody. So this whole story coming out of her mouth was a whole new thing for her.

"P-please say something.." Lauren said, her hands shaking as she fidgeted with her fingernails. "Anything.."

Camila's gaze shifted from Lauren's face, down to Lauren's hands, and noticed how much the girl was shaking. "You're s..such an idiot." She stammers, smiling widely while she takes both hands in hers. She leans closed towards the nervous mess that is Lauren Jauregui and kisses her cheek shyly. "I've been waiting for you to call me yours, forever." She whispers.

A shock of relief seems to race through Lauren's body as she suddenly let's go of Camila's hands and wraps her arms around the girl, taking a deep, Camila scented breath. "Oh my god.." She mumbles into the girls' hair. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

Camila giggles, her arms wrapped around the nervous girl tightly. "Sorry, your words just.. kinda like- hit me." She closes her eyes and enjoys the tight embrace they're in.

Lauren is the first one to let go. She leans back a little and kisses Camila's lips softly. "I mean it. You're the most important thing in the world to me." She says. Somehow tears have managed to build up in her eyes and so she closes them, not wanting them to be set free.

"And you're the most important thing in the world to me." Camila replies, staring at the other girl's face with watery eyes. "Except for food.. maybe food wins."

Lauren's green eyes flash open and Camila is being pushed away by the singer. "You're such a dick." Lauren says, angrily wiping her tears away as she looks at Camila, who smiles at her.

"Your dick." Camila says.

Loud laughter fills both girl's ears as they lay down again, Camila on her back and Lauren on her side, laying her head down in the crook of her neck. "Well this is weird." Camila giggles.


"I'm finally dating my celebrity crush."

Lauren laughs again, shaking her head. "You're such a weirdo."

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