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Camila's back slams into a wall, making several picture frames fall down to the floor.

"Oh my god, sorry!" Lauren says to her. Her green eyes open now, staring at Camila's face in a worried manner. "You okay?" 

Camila just giggles and then nods her head. "Yeah, no problem. I know you're excited."

A little grin takes over Lauren's features, the girl rolls her eyes. "As if you aren't.." She mumbles against her lips before squeezing the other girl's ass quite a little more roughly than Camila's used to from the girl. The brunette let's out a high little squeak before she feels how Lauren steps away from her and sticks her hand out for her to grab. 

They're standing in front of the stairs and Camila knows what is waiting for her up in the other girl's bedroom. She bites her own lip while and grabs her girlfriend's hand. Lauren smiles at her before turning around and practically running up the stairs with Camila trailing behind her. 

"Calm down, casanova. We don't want to be able to use all of our limbs without having them broken." The brunette giggles. Lauren turns around when they've reached the top and silences her with yet another short kiss. "Shhh, shut up." 

"No." Camila says against her lips before being pulled towards the other girl's bedroom. 

Her bed is made up perfectly, the clean, white sheets laying neatly on top of the kingsized bed. They stumble into the room, still kissing one another while trying to safely get to the bed. They eventually fall down into the soft mattress. Camila on top of Lauren.

They share a short, knowing smile. "I love you." Lauren whispers, staring into Camila's brown puddles called eyes. 

"And I love you." She replies, grinning widely at the girl underneath her and then biting her lip once more, making Lauren's eyes turn a little darker, filled with a little more lust. Their lips connect roughly once again and tongues reunite softly. 

Lauren's hands start roaming underneath Camila's dress and only minutes later it's thrown onto the ground, followed by her own outfit. "Whoa.." Camila stammers, looking at her girlfriend's stunning body as Lauren is now hovering over her, wearing a dark green bra and a black thong. "Geez.. you're so fucking beautiful." She mumbles, making Lauren smile down at her shyly. "And very fucking hot too." The brunette adds before pulling her down onto her.

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