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"W-what do you mean?" Camila asks, panic in her eyes as she looks at her girlfriend in fear. "Do- do you- are- are you breaking up with me right now? I- Lauren I swear that stupid kiss was just for PR and didn't mean anything- I- I had to do it. They- they said it was in the contract and I had to do it. I- I- I can't lose you babe. I can't- I-"

"Shhh.." Lauren says as she reaches forward and pulls the panicking brunette towards her. Camila is shaking and crying and lays her head down against Lauren while the green eyed girl hugs her closely to her body. "Deep breaths Camzi." Lauren says, needing to calm Camila down before they can even continue the conversation.

"I- I can end the contract, right? I can- we can just run away or something. Fuck the fame, I want you and only you. I-I do not care about the stupid-"

"Camz.." Lauren breaths out before she presses a kiss onto her head. "We're not going to run away and you're going to stay with the label. It's the biggest one in the US. You'd be crazy to give that up for some stupid relationsh-"

"Don't you dare say that our relationship is stupid!" Camila says, looking up from her place on Lauren's chest and furrowing her eyebrows. "It's hard and sometimes we do dumb shit but it ain't stupid." She says quickly, to which Lauren smiles and then nods.

"Okay." She says. "Fine."

They lay in silence for a while then. "I won't leave you Camz. I'd never, ever want to. I- I just have to-" She takes another deep breath. "This is going to be so hard for me. Seeing you perform all around the world. Seeing you with that douchebag instead of me all the time. I don't like it."

"I know. I get that." Camila nods. "Bu-but you can start touring again too, right?"

"Yeah. I could if I wanted to."

Camila's head lifts up from Laurens lap. "You don't wanna go on tour?"

Lauren looks away from her momentarily. "I don't know." She shrugs. "I don't know if I can stay clean if I go on tour. It's- quite lonely, you know." She admits, a hint of shame in her voice. "And I don't- Camz.. Ughh.."

"What is it?" Camila asks, sitting up next to Lauren so that she can look at her properly.

"I- I've been thinking for a while and- I'd-" She takes a deep breath. "This is going to sound so god damn silly.."

"Lo tell me, please.." Camila says, her patience non-existing, as always.

Lauren takes a deep breath before slowly nodding her head and clearing her throat. "I'd like to go with you while you're touring, if that's possible?"

Camila's mouth kinda falls open. "Yo-you.." She mumbles before silence falls into the room. The two girls stare at one another before Lauren eventually looks away, embarrassed.

Camila lifts up her chin softly and makes her look at her. "You're being serious?" She wonders.

Lauren nods, feeling kind of ashamed of herself. "I can't miss you that much Camz. I just- I think we can pull it off. You know the tourbus life is nice and I can just chill in the bus and it'll be our little secret and-"

"Trisha won't like this." Camila says. "I think she kinda hates you."

Lauren frowns. "Well fuck her. You're my girlfriend."

A unexpected smile appears on Camila's face then. "Yes I am." She says, pulling Lauren in for a kiss.

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