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Camila: Hey looooo

Camila: How areeee you?


Camila: Looolooo

Camila: You must be sleeping again.. sorry

Camila: Good night xx


Camila: Laaaaurenzoo

Camila: Lololololoo

Camila: Lauuurrr

Camila: Lauren.. I havent spoken to you in two days now

Camila: It's 2 a.m now.. I have a class tomorrow..

Camila: Please text me when you read this


Camila: Lauren.. please I'm worried

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren


Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila: Please Laur..


Camila: Lauren.. I know you performed last night in Paris. I saw photos on insta

Camila: So at least I know you're not dead

Camila: But why aren't you replying??

Camila: Did I do something wrong?

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren


Camila: Lo.. it's been four days and I have no idea what is going on..

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila: Please pick up babe.. I'm so worried


Camila is calling Lauren

Camila is calling Lauren

Camila: Lauren.. please..

Lauren: Camila, I've kbeen reajlly busy. I'm sgorry for jnot replyindg

Camila: HEY

Camila: Oh my god!

Camila: are you okay?!?!

Camila: You're typing weird again

Camila: Please tell me you're okay and that you're not drunk again..

Camila: Please Lo..

Lauren: I'm soyrhy camz

Lauren: i'm asj mess

Lauren: Ijn sorry

Camila: Hey it's okay

Camila: Are you safe?

Lauren: sjj sorry

Lauren: gtg

Camila: No Lauren!!

Camila: No please wait!!

Camila: Lo, please tell me if you're safe

Camila: Can I do anything?

Camila: Please Lauren, I gotta know if you're okay

Camila: Lauren..

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