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"Why the hell did you have to blindfold me." Camila whispers angrily. "You know I hate darkness."

"Why are you whispering?" Lauren's raspy, soothing voice speaks into her ear. 

Camila shrugs while holding onto Lauren's hands for dear life. It feels like they're going down-hill and she has no idea what the green eyed girl is about to do. "If your idea of a romantic date is us being killed in a forest, then great job."

"Who says were in a forest?" 

Camila rolls her eyes underneath the scarf that covered them. "I can feel grass and I saw the trees when I parked the car, dummy." 

"Stop complaining and walk a little faster."

After some more minutes, Lauren halted and stood behind the younger girl. She had prepared everything and they were now standing on the exact spot, she wanted them to be. "Ready?" She whispers into Camila's ear. The brown eyed girl nods eagerly before Lauren carefully takes off the scarf and Camila's eyes flutter open. 


Camila's eyes adjust to the beautiful, yellow sunlight quickly as she looks at her surroundings. Lauren had brought her to the edge of a cliff, up by the sea. The wind blew through her hair as she looked down and noticed the cute picnic blanket that the famous singer had laid down for them, together with the basked, hopefully filled with food and some bottles, containing drinks. The sun was about to set, making the sky light up in this orange kind of way and it all looked dazzling.

"Wow, Lo.." She stammers, turning around to face the girl who is nervously hiding behind her. "This looks amazing. Thank you so much."

Lauren smiles shyly, slightly looking down at the brown eyed girl standing in front of her. "Do you like it?" She asks, her voice soft.

"I love this." Camila replies, leaning forward and capturing Lauren's lips softly before stepping back. "This is so fucking romantic. I didn't know you had it in you." She smiles, pulling at the green eyed girls' hand and making her sit down with her. 

"I- I have my moments I guess."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now