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Lauren: hshhshayagdkfodstgsg

Camila: Laurennnnn

Lauren: Camiiilaaaa

Lauren: AAaahhh

Camila: Pleaseplease please please pleasseee answer my question

Camila: I've been worried for days

Lauren: What question?😏

Camila: LO!

Lauren: CA!

Lauren: Localocaloca hahahaha

Camila: Omg stop it

Camila: Did you like the kiss?

Lauren: YES.

Lauren: I mean I did not mind it

Lauren: I mean I did not mind it at all

Lauren: If you didn't mind it either that is

Lauren: Otherwise it was ridiculous of course ha haa

Lauren: 😅

Lauren: Pleasedontsayitwasamistake

Camila: It wasn't a mistake

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