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The next day:

Camila: I can't stop smiling

Camila: Yesterday was so amazing

Lauren: omg

Lauren: I know right

Lauren: People here are wondering if I'm going crazy again

Lauren: Because I can't stop smiling or laughing


Camila: Omg look out or they'll lock you up even longer ahhahaha

Lauren: HAHA

Lauren: Seriously, Ty thought I was in some kind of psychosis again

Camila: AHHAHA

Camila: That's hilarious

Camila: I met him yesterday by the way

Camila: He kinda scared me with all those tattoos and his deep voice omg

Lauren: AHHAHA

Lauren: Ill tell him that, he'll laugh

Lauren: He's a nice guy tho, he's not as scary and hard as he appears to be

Camila: Hahaha not don't tell him! He'll think I'm a pussy

Lauren: You kinda are

Lauren: I mean, not gonna lie

Camila: Always so nice to me

Camila: I wonder why I even like you

Lauren: You like meeee??? :)

Camila: Hahahah gtg Lolo, have a good dayyyy

Lauren: Ignoring the question doesn't make the loveydovey shit go awayyyyy

Camila: Byeeeeee :)

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