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"Here sit down." Lauren smiles at the brown eyed beauty, who smiles right back at her, watching curiously. She remains quiet however.

"Anything to drink?"

"Some water is fine." Camila replies before the green eyed girl hurries off to the kitchen before re-appearing minutes later, looking a bit nervous. She then puts on the fireplace and sits down next to Camila, who is eyeing her down.

"Lo.." Camila wonders after having taken a sip of water. "What is going on?"

Lauren looks up at her and then down again. "I- I don't want our night.. to end like it did the last time." She admits before taking a sip of water herself.

Camila lays her hand on hers and smiles at the nervous mess that is Lauren Jauregui. "I won't run away, Lauren." She simply states, making the girl look up at her with a small smile on her face.

Camila then leans in and decides on placing the softest kiss on the other girl's flustered cheek. Lauren let's out the cutest giggle before snuggling closer to the brown eyed girl. "You know I never like my Miami house much.." She mumbles softly as she gazes into the fire. "But with you in it I have to say it feels a lot more like home."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now