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Camila: Hi Lo, I havent spoken to you for 7 days and you're coming back to the US tomorrow

Camila: Ill be at the airport when you come back, if you like it or not

Camila: I hope you're okay and I'll see you tomorrow.


Camila was pacing around her little dorm room, wondering what she should wear. She choses for a yellow shirt eventually and some normal, black, skinny jeans. She rushes out of her home then, knowing Lauren will be in the airport hall around 3 p.m and how busy it will be.

"See you later, DJ." She says to Dinah, who is sitting behind her laptop at the desk in their room.

"Sure I don't have to come with you?" Dinah asks her, looking up from behind the screen. "Imma beat her ass."

"No thanks, I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay, be safe!" Dinah shouts as Camila shuts the door behind her and makes her way to the bus stop. She'll be taking the bus to the airport, since she still doesn't have a drivers licence. "This one going to the airport?" She asks the driver, who nods friendly.

After a half an hour bus ride, she arrives at the airport, which is busy, as always. But today even more so, since hundreds of Lauren Jauregui fans are gathered around the exit, waiting for their idol to come and greet them.

Camila starts worrying then, hoping Lauren will even see her in this huge crowd of people. She's brought a bouquet with Lauren's favourite flowers, lilies.

Camila: I'm at the airport and it's super busy, I hope you'll see me Lo

She sends the superstar a quick text, seeing that it's already read after only a few seconds, indicating that she'd landed already.

She waits and waits, in the huge crowd of people before suddenly everyone around her starts screaming and cheering and a gorgeous yet tired looking Lauren comes walking out of the building, circled by security.

Her fans are screaming for her to sign stuff and take pictures with her. She puts a smile on her face and does whatever she's asked to do by Claire, who I now saw for the first time in real life. I hate her.

"Lo!" Camila screams over the crowd, she slowly makes her way to the front, flowers in her hands as she now stands front row and Lauren is coming in her direction, not having noticed her yet. "Lolo!"

Two familiar green eyes look into hers and she smiles at the girl standing in front of her, who only looks at her shortly before averting her eyes and moving on to the next fan and taking a picture with him.

"NO!" Camila screams then. "Lauren, please!"

But Lauren is almost at her car and gives everyone one last wave before getting in and speeding off. Camila is left alone, the flowers still in her hands as she stares at the ground, tears streaming down her face.

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