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Camila jumps out of the SUV, having dropped Dinah off just minutes before she'd raced through town to get to Lauren's place. 

"It's kinda weird that I asked you out on a date and you're picking me up, don't you think."

Camila walks over to the green eyed beauty, who had just walked out of her mansion, wearin an absolutely gorgeous, dark blue dress. She wraps her arms around her waist and  pulls her closer before pressing her lips onto hers for a wistful kiss. "Shut up and get in the car." She whispers against Lauren's red lips before turning around and walking back to the SUV she was allowed to 'have' from the record company.

Lauren smiles and shakes her head before doing what she's told anyway. She climbs onto the seat next to Camila and buckles up. 

"So where are we going, casanova?" Camila asks, pointing at the navigation system in the middle of the dashboard. 

"Not gonna tell you that." Lauren says, bending forward slightly and typing in a certain location before the speakers tell Camila to 'turn left at the roundabout in one mile'. 

"A surprise huh?" Camila says, laying her hand on Lauren's bare knee and squeezing it, making the slightly older girl squirm away. 

"Y-yeah." Lauren breathes out, a smile on her face. "And can I just say, that you did so great earlier!" She says, leaning over to press a soft kiss on Camila's cheek.

The brown eyed girl smiles widely, this day kinda feeling like a dream. "Thanks." She mumbles before pressing the gas pedal.

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