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"I have to get home, It's almost 1 a.m and I have a class tomorrow morning." Camila says before yawning sleepily.

"Oh yeah." Lauren says, sitting up , her head that had been resting on Camila's lap, dizzy from then sudden movement. The two girls had been watching 'Orange is the new black' for quite some time after having had dinner. "I totally forgot that it's Thursday."

"Me too." Camila says, a shy smile on her face as she speaks. "I kinda forgot the whole universe today."

Lauren brushes a hand through her hair and looks down towards her lap while smiling. "Yeah me too." She shrugs.

Camila smiles and gets up from the couch, straightening out her clothes before heading towards the front door together with Lauren. "Ill let George bring you home." She says while taking her phone out of the pocket of her black jeans.

"Oh you don't have-"

"I insist." The famous singer smiles. A few seconds later the man that had greeted Camila earlier, came to the door to escort Camila to the car.

"I- I-" Camila stutters, suddenly finding it awkward to communicate with the famous singer when one of her bodyguards was right there beside them.

"Ill see you at the car miss Cabello." George speaks up formally then before making his way down the path to presumable the garage.

Lauren giggles awkwardly after clearing her throat. "I'm so glad we met today, Camila." She says then.

Camila looks up from the ground. "Me too." She says before a drop of water hit her nose. Lauren giggles before reaching out to wipe the drop away from the girl's nose. Camila looks down again then.

"You should go." Lauren says, smiling at the cute girl in front of her. "Could you please text me when you're home?"

Camila nods again, more raindrops starting to fall in a more rapid pace. "Thank you for today Lauren." She says. And right before she is about to turn around to walk to the SUV that is waiting for her, she turns around and envelops Lauren in a tight hug.

Lauren let's out a nervous breath before inhaling Camila's amazing scent for the second time today. "Thank you." She whispers before the girl let's go of her and rushes away, rain crashing onto the streets now.

The green eyed singer smiles and turns around.

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