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The next day:

ItsCameela sent a picture:

ItsCameela: Goodmorning Lolo!

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ItsCameela: Goodmorning Lolo!

ItsCameela: I'm already in class but ttyl? :)

Two hours later:

JustLaur: Do you send these kind of pics to all of your girls?

ItsCameela: Uhm hello to u too?

ItsCameela: Which girls?

JustLaur: You know which girls I mean, or did you forget which one of them you were talking to??

ItsCameela: Okay.. what is going on?

JustLaur: Pff whatever

ItsCameela: Lauren, please explain??

JustLaur: Whatever Camila, go and live that great popular life of yours and go fuck some girls yeah?

JustLaur: And don't text me with shit when you have 100 other girls to text

ItsCameela: I'm in class and I have no idea what the hell you are talking about? I'm not texting any other girls and if I were wtf would you have to do with it?!

ItsCameela: Class starts again, ttyl

JustLaur: Claire wants me at the office. Laters.

That afternoon:

ItsCameela: Lauren?

ItsCameela: I just got home

ItsCameela: Are you like free right now?

JustLaur: Busy. Rehearsals.

ItsCameela: Oh okay, can we please talk later?

That evening:

ItsCameela: Lauren, it's 11 p.m. Are you free now?

ItsCameela: I gotta get up early

JustLaur: I just got home

ItsCameela: Okay

Camila presses the number that had been calling her two nights ago, on her drunk walk to the beach and holds the phone up to her ear while laying in bed. She hopes the other girl will pick up.

"Hey?" Lauren's raspy voice sounds in Camila's ear not much later. Camila stirs and her eyes widen. The girl's voice does sound a lot like Lauren Jauregui's voice, her number one celebrity crush. "Hello?" The voice speaks up again when not hearing anyone talking.

"H-hi Lolo." Camila speaks up, her voice shaking a little as she is nervous to talk to her friend. She shakes her thoughts about the famous singer away and sits up slightly.

"Camila, I just got home and-"

"Please let me explain some stuff?" Camila interrupts the other girl before she would have a chance to hang up on her.

She hears the other girl sigh. "Fine."

After taking a deep breath, she starts talking. "Well I- I- ehm.." She stutters. "I- Im sorry, I'm fucking awkward.. I don't even know why I feel so awkward but It's just weird to be able to talk to you instead of seeing letters on a screen."

She hears Lauren let out a breathy chuckle then before she continues. "But ehm.. but yeah what I wanted to say was that I normally eh don't just.. don't just- have sex with strangers or- yeah." She spills out. She is met with silence and so she continues. "I- I have no idea what happened to me the past month. Actually I ehm.. I'd never had sex before and I felt bad about that and about losing you and about my parents and I pretty much just felt really bad.. I needed to distract myself?"

She hears Lauren sigh.

"And I- I was a virgin before this month." She spits out then, rambling. "And I felt like I needed to- needed to have sex because everyone around me had already done it and I hadn't and I felt like a loser and so I just- I just got really drunk and went home with some girl.." Out of nowhere Camila feels tears brimming in her eyes and she pauses.

"Camila you don't have to tell me this if you don't want-"

"No, no It's- I want to." She tells Lauren, who sounds worried now.

"Okay but I don't want you to feel pushed or anything." Lauren says then, to which Camila nods before she continues.

"Anyway. I went home with that girl. Woke up the next day. Didn't remember where I was and what had happened until I rolled on my back and saw a naked body laying next to my own. I was scared as hell. I ran out of the house half-naked pretty much-" Camila giggled at her own story then. "And when I arrived home, Dinah was already waiting for me and she told me how I flirted with the girl all night and how I went home with her."

Silence fills both girl's ears then. Camila listens to Lauren's soft breathing, trying to steady her own.

"I felt so filthy." Camila said then, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I don't think Ive ever felt as bad in my life as I did that morning." She sighed. "But then I felt empty and I got drunk again. And I flirted with yet another girl, just to feel something- and I.. and it happened five times. And I felt something in the moment, I guess. But I felt so bad afterwards." She wipes the tear from her cheek. "I felt so bad Lauren."

"Oh my god, Camz.." Lauren breaths out. "I'm so sorry that I-"

"No I get that you were confused and a little angry or something because we didn't speak for that whole time." Camila interrupts the girl. "And just to add to that story, I'm not texting with any other girls. I mean not that you have some kind of Camila texting right or something but yeah.."

"Camila.." Lauren sighs. "I feel like such a ignorant bitch and I'm so sorry for my bitchy behaviour.." Camila listens how the other girl seemed take some deep breaths. "Fuck.. Camz.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't know I was that Impor-"

"Important." Camila finishes for the other girl. "You're pretty damn important and I have no idea why. I don't even know who you are."

"Oh god, let's not start about that whole thing.. please.." Lauren sighs.

"It's true though Lauren. You could be a 48 year old man and I'd be talking to you and telling you my pathetic story.."

"Do I sound like a 48 year old man?" Lauren comments. "Thanks."

A laugh escapes Camila's throat then. "I mean no. But I didn't know how you sounded until like two days ago."

"I sent you selfies." Lauren says then.

"That's not you though, that's Lauren-"

"Jauregui. Yeah sure. Whatever." Lauren says. "When the fuck are you going to believe that that is actually me."

Camila laughs shyly. "Lauren, I can't.. it would be too good to be true."

"Can you promise me one thing Camz?" Lauren says then, out of nowhere.

"Of course."

"Please promise me that you're real and that you're not some kinda paparazzi person trying to get me to talk about shit?"

Camila laughs again. "I promise, fake Lolo."

"Not fake."


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