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"You had a transient ischaemic attack." Camila says calmly as Lauren still stares lamely at her face.

"A- a what?"

"The doctors explained it to me.." She continues. "Because you used so many different drugs and stuff, this little blood clot temporarily got stuck in one of the blood vessels in your brain and it didn't get enough oxygen for a while and you kinda had an error."

Lauren stares at the brown eyed girl before looking away, down to her fingers. "T-that's why.. why I couldn't talk."

"Or move. Or even think." Camila adds. "You're really fucking lucky, some people who have this suffer from permanent damage. They can't talk anymore, or walk."



Silence engulfs the room then and Lauren stairs at her hands, feeling how sore her whole body is. "They also pumped all the shit out of your stomach." Camila says then, seemingly out of nowhere and startling Lauren. "It was poisoning your blood system." She adds, making Lauren look at her once more. "That almost killed you.. as well."



"Why are- I-" Lauren starts then before looking back down at her hands. "Where's Lucy?" She mumbles, feeling ashamed to ask about the other girl.

"She's sleeping, I told her to go home and get some rest." Camila replies. "I had to promise her that I'd stay here though, she didn't want you to wake up alone."

"W-wake up- wait how- how long have I been-"

"Ten days."

Lauren gasps at that information. "T-Ten.."

"Yeah, they already figured out last week though, that luckily you'd be okay and that your brain hasn't been affected too much."

"Oh my god."

Another silence fills the room.

"What time is it?"

"2 A.M."

"Oh lord, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

And then another silence fills the room as Camila sits beside Lauren's bed, on her phone while Lauren stares at her. She has to ask the question that's on her mind.

"Not to be rude but ehh.."

"You're wondering why I'm here huh?" Camila replies drily. Lauren notices how closed off she's being and how far away she feels from her.

The green eyed girl just nods and swallows.

"I care about you, Lauren." She replies. "I know that sounds weird to you, people caring about you. But I do."

Lauren's eyes remain trained on Camila's while she feels herself tear up. She'd just almost died. She'd just almost gotten herself killed and now here was miss Camila Cabello, looking out for her once again.

"Lucy cares for you too, you know. She's been sitting here the past nine days." Camila adds, seeing the look in Lauren's eyes. "I've only been here for one."

Its quiet again, the beeps of the heart monitor the only sound filling the room as Lauren stares at the white walls. "T-thank you.." She whispers after a while.

"Just what friends are for." Camila replies. "It's what we once were, remember?"

Lauren knows the brown eyed girl didn't mean this comment in a bitchy way. Her voice sounded sincere and filled with meaning. She nods and feels a tear run down her cheek. Seconds later Camila's warm hand is laying on hers. "Find help, Lo." She says softly, shoving the chair she was seated on, a little closer towards the bed in the middle of the room. "Fine help and stop hurting yourself and everyone else as some kind of defence mechanism. You need people. You need friends."

Lauren cries. She cries until her cries become sobs and her sobs become sniffs and Camila sits beside her, wiping her tears away with her fingertips ever so sweetly, making Lauren feel even guiltier and cry even more. "It's not too late you know?" Camila says, making two watery, green eyes stare in her direction as her chin leans on the side of the bed.


"It's not too late to get your shit together."

The doctor walks into the room then, followed by a bunch of curious nurses, who'd all heard of the superstar waking up of course. She must be world news. 'Lauren Jauregui gone mad' 'Lauren Jauregui overdosing but failing' 'Lauren Jauregui the attention whore' 'Lauren Jauregui's fall from stardom.'

"Miss Jauregui, glad to see you've woken up. Were going to run a few tests." The doctor announces. "Your friend here can stay, but only if you want her to."

"Oh it's no problem, I can leave. It's-"

"NO." Lauren blurts out. "I- ehm.. I mean no, Camila.. please don't- please don't go.."

A smile spreads over Camila's face before she nods and squeezes Lauren's hand, that she'd been holding and nods. "Okay."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now