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Their make out session seemed to get even more heated when Lauren placed one of her hands on Camila's butt, squeezing it lightly. Camila smiles into the kiss and presses one leg between Lauren's, to give herself more stability and to tease the green eyed girl a little as she lays on top of her.

Lauren smirks and the two stop kissing one another and look at each other while Camila caresses Lauren's cheek softly with the tips of her fingers. Lauren puts a hand on Camila's bare back, where her shirt had ridden up slightly and traces random patterns there. They stare intently at each other in silence, both not wanting to ruin the moment quite yet.

Camila leans in to place the softest kiss on Lauren's lips. While closing her eyes she tries pouring all of her love into it, hoping that the green eyes girl could feel just that. And then she leans back and rolls off of the superstar, her head on her chest as she has her eyes closed, hoping that this whole thing hadn't just ruined everything they had.

"Camz.." Lauren said softly before kissing the top of Camila's head. The brown eyed girl looked up then and adjusted herself a little so that she could look into her beautiful green eyes. "Mhm?" She hummed.

"I love you."

Three simple words. Three simple words that completely blew Camila's world away. She stares into the green eyes she was so addicted to, the green eyes that hold so much emotion, the green eyes that tell her that what she'd just been told, was the truth.

"I love you too."

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now