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"So you're saying that you dyed your hair purple because you thought the package said it was red?"

Lucy nods before she burst out into fits of laughter. "I- I have no idea why I ever thought this was a good idea in the first place. I mean.. I had great hair.. I was just-"

"Very drunk." Camila nods, smiling at the new friend she'd made over the past few days. It was quite weird to meet up with Lauren's sort of ex bedroom mate at first. But they had a lot of things in common and both needed somebody to talk to about the famous superstar that had reportedly been kinda back on track again, according to TMZ.

"So lesson learnt. Never die your hair when you're drunk." Lucy says as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"I think I've kinda learned not to get drunk from Lauren." Camila says, looking down at her cup of Latte Macchiato, smiling the smallest smile.

"True." Lucy nods. "Maybe I should just stay away from alcohol altogether."

Camila looks up with a smile. "I sound like a grandma maybe but I havent drunk a single drop of wine ever since Lauren ended up in the hospital."

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Dedication."

Camila laughed and shook her head. "Oh no." She said. "It wasn't really on purpose."

"I suppose it's a good thing though." Lucy says, smiling down at her coffee before taking a sip. Camila nods before looking around. The coffee shop Lucy and her had met up at was busy as always. It was in the middle of Miami's centre, close to the beach.

"I have to say that I hadn't expected us to click this well." Camila admits to the other girl.

Lucy laughs. "Me neither girl. But ever since we texted that one night, we've been vibing."

Camila smiles and nods once again. "I know right?"

"I never really knew why Lauren liked you so much at first." Lucy is the one to admit then. "I mean you're a hot chick and all, but Laur usually likes quite some talking as well. But you got it. I get it now."

Camila giggles before taking a sip of her coffee. She was growing kind of nervous all of the sudden with the compliments that were given to her and so she looked down. "I get why Lauren and you 'vibed' so well." She says then. "I mean you're a model obviously." She laughs. "But you're a nice girl too."

Lucy reaches her hand over the table to squeeze Camila's and smiles. "Thanks girl."

Camila looks up shyly, her cheeks hot-pink and her hand clammy. "Yea-yeah, not a- problem. Hey listen, I should go."

"Oh, yeah sure." Lucy nods. "A human being with shit to do, have to get used to that."

"Don't you have a shoot this afternoon? You told me that on the phone last night."

"You think they want a model with half purple hair?" Lucy laughs, getting up with her coffee in her hand as Camila starts to giggle as well. "No, didn't think so. Shoot has been cancelled. But I might meet up with this girl I met on Tinder two days ago."

Camila looks up in surprise then and Lucy notices. "O-oh you're on Tinder, huh?"

Lucy sips her coffee before nodding. "Yeah, I figured if you have to get over someone.. a very famous singer with green eyes and a magnificent body might I add.. you have to get under someone new."

Camila nods while chuckling. "Well I guess we don't have that much in common then." She jokes, making Lucy laugh wholeheartedly.

"You should try it once." Lucy winks.

"Been there, done that. I think I'm kinda stuck on that famous singer you were talking about. I mean she does have a great butt."

"Dude, you should see her boo-"

"Okay, okay, okay.. enough info. Don't make this weird.." Camila interrupts the supermodel, who laughs before reaching forward to give her a tight hug.

"Thanks for this hangout session." She says sweetly. "I needed it."

Camila feels herself smile. "Yeah thank you too. Me as well."

Lucy smiles before putting her coffee cup down and spinning around then. "See ya."


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