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Lauren went back in eventually. Telling the staff what her plan was and admitting how wrong it was. Camila was glad she did, it showed how much progress the girl had made.

Lauren would have to stay a month before she'd get out. A month filled with therapy sessions, talk groups, good food and some visitors every Friday.

Lauren didn't like it, but knew she'd have to do it anyway. She'd have to do it for Camila, her therapists but mostly for herself. And so, that's what she did.

Lauren: Camzi, I'm bored..

Camila: I just left for like 10 seconds.. really?

Lauren: Are you texting and driving?

Camila: No :)

Lauren: Camila!

Camila: Well don't text me when I drive then


Ten minutes later:

Camila: No worries, I'm not dead

Camila: Back at the studio

Camila: Are you okay?

Lauren: Yeah, I'm just bored.. FOR ANOTHER MONTH

Camila: Sorry not sorry..

Camila: I'm glad I could see you though

Lauren: I was happy about that too

Lauren: Seeing you honestly makes everything in here worth it

Lauren: Camila?

Lauren: Sorry that was quite a big statement, wasn't it?

Lauren: Please don't be angry

Lauren: Or sad?

Lauren: Camzi?

Lauren: Camz I'm gonna go sleep, you haven't replied for hours and I have an early therapy session with Mr Grapes tomorrow, who's fucking pissed at me. Whoops.

Lauren: Goodnight babe xx

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