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One day later:

Camila had left when it was time and had said goodbye by kissing Lauren's cheek shortly before hugging her and taking in her scent one last time before she'd have to go about without it for another week.

Next week however, Lauren would finally be free out of the centre and they would be able to see each other more often, which delighted Camila.

It's Saturday 7:30 p.m now and she was getting ready to get over to Lucy's house. She was excited to get the girl a little more, in a friendly way of course, and was curious to see her house.

Lauren: Have fun at Luce's place

Camila: thanks xx

She gets in her car, well Dinah's car, as always, and makes her way to the uptown looking apartments where all the famous en rich people live. Maybe including herself one day.

She rings the bell of the huge house that's supposed be Lucy's. A happy looking person opens up the door, greeting her with a tight hug. "Welcome." Lucy says into her ear. Camila notices she smells a bit like apples before stepping back and looking around the already impressive looking hallway.

"Thanks!" She smiles.

"Come on in." Lucy says, letting go of Camila completely and walking into the dining room, which leaded to the kitchen. The whole place was huge and Camila walked around with her mouth hanging open. She'd found Lauren's home impressive but this even beat that.

"Fuck, Lucy.. what did you need such a big house for?" She asks the brown haired girl, who smiles and shrugs.

"I dunno.." She replies while pulling the huge fridge open. "To impress people I guess? You seem impressed."

Camila nodded. "Duh."

"White or red?"

"Huh?" Camila looks up at the model and shakes her head. "Oh.. ehm.. red?"

"Oh okay." Lucy says, closing the fridge and walking over to her wine rack instead. "Sweet or hard?"

"Ah- I- sweet."

"Okay, got it." Lucy says, bending down, her butt in Camila's direction. Not that she's looking. Or well she's trying not to. But the girl is a model and has a great body, let's be honest.

"Thanks." She mumbles when a glass filled with red wine is given to her.

"Let's sit in the living room?" Lucy says, to which Camila nods.

The two girls sit down on a comfortable looking couch, a comfortable distance between them, according to Camila, who doesn't really know why she's even thinking about such things. "Okay, really cool house." She admits before taking a sip of wine.

"Thank you. I like it too. Even though it's a little too big, even for my liking. I mean it does have a pool though, indoor. That's fucking cool so I wanted it."

"Lucy what the fuck, I didn't know you earned this much." Camila says, making the model chuckle.

"Business is going well lately."

Camila scoffs. "I see."

"Wait, you wanna do the whole tour. I haven't really shown anyone the whole place, apart from my dad." Lucy says then.

"Sure." Camila smiles.

They leave the couch again, wine in their hands while they're sipping on it every now and then.

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