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About a month later:

ItsCameela: LAUDIN

ItsCameela: LAUIDF L

ItsCameela: PLAHdjbi needf yu

ItsCameela: henlp

An hour later:

JustLaur: Camila? Whats going on?

JustLaur: Are you okay???

ItsCameela: Ino wentd od a lust dmy khf

JustLaur: I don't understand what you're saying

ItsCameela: I losd my key

JustLaur: Shit. How?

ItsCameela: Went outf an it gones

JustLaur: Where are you now? Can you explain that to me?

ItsCameela: Fuckh I can'tb typeszj

JustLaur: What's your phone number Camz?

ItsCameela sent contact: ME

Lauren rushes a hand through her hair as she dails the number that Camila has just given her.

"Hello?" The dark haired girl speaks up when hearing that someone had actually picked up.

"OEHMY GOD LOLO!" Someone shouts from the other side. Lauren tries hard not to giggle out loud and listens to whatever is going on at the other person's place.

"Camila?" She asks, the girl's name rolling off her tongue easily.

"Hello fake Laurrr." Camila says, to which a smile on Lauren's face appeared.

"Tell me what happened, Camz." Lauren says, sitting up in bed against the headboard.

"Camz." She hears Camila giggle before hearing a car alarm going off.

"Wait, are you outside?" Lauren wonders then, her eyes widening. It's 3 am and she doesn't want the other girl to be walking outside on her own.

"Yesss." Camila slurrs.




A short laugh appears on the other side of the phone. "No idea. I'm not wearing my contacts. Me is blind." Camila replies simply. A short highpitched breath sounds then. "Sorry I almost fell. Ha."

"Camila you're drunk and you're out on the street alone in the middle of the night." Lauren speaks up, her voice laced with worry. "Please go back home.."

"Can't." Camila replies simply. "I don't have a key."

"Maybe Dinah does?"

"She's at her girlfriend's."


"Yeah." Camila says. "It's nice hearing your voice, faky." Camila adds after a few ruffling sounds shot into Lauren's right ear.

"It's nice hearing yours as well." Lauren admits, feeling a small smile appear on her face again. "I missed talking to you."

"Then why didn't you text me?" Camila sassily replies.

"I had to focus on me Camz, sorry."

"I like it when you call me Camz."

Lauren smiles and shakes her head, her cheeks growing red. "I want you to be safe, where are you?"

"Walking to the beach now." Camila replies. "I like the peach."

Lauren starts laughing.

"What?" Camila asks.

"You said peach, dummy."

A giggle sounds from Camila's side of the phone and Lauren lets out a chuckle. "Which beach?"


"Im coming over."

Camila doesn't reply but giggles again. "Okay." She says after a while, when Lauren has already put the girl on speaker and is putting some decent clothes on.

"I missed you Lolo." Camila mumbles then. Lauren listens to hear speak while grabbing her stuff. "Talking to you makes everything better."

"It does for me as well." Lauren admits, putting the phone on her ear again.



"I really like y- OH MY GOD DINAH!" Lauren's heart had sped up so much that it's ringing in her ears when Camila starts shouting through the phone, temporarily forgetting what she was about to say. "LAUREN DINAH IS HERE! HEY DJ, IVE GOT LOLO ON THE PHONE!"

Lauren shakes her head and chuckles. "Good, she probably figured out you'd wandered off as well."

"Hello?" Another voice speaks up in Lauren's ear.

"Hey Dinah, this is Lauren."

"Oh my god, I'm sorry that Mila bothered you. She had been drunk most of this past fucking month." Dinah speaks up, making Lauren frown. "She's a bit of a mess honestly, drinking a lot and pullin' loads of girls. Sorry if she woke you up a couple more times lately. She likes texting you."

Lauren is stunned and surprised, slowly walking back to her bedroom. "It's- She and I actually havent spoken at all this past month or so." Lauren mumbles, a bit ashamed. She knows less about the girl than she thought.

"Dinaaahh!" Lauren hears Camila call out. "GIMME MY PHONE AND MY LOLO!"

"Well sleep tight. Mila will probably text you again tomorrow when she's awoken from her slumber." Dinah mumbled before the phone beeped, indicating that the phonecall had ended.

Lauren sits down on her bed, dropping her phone next to her on the sheets. Would Camila have been feeling bad because of her?

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