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"So you're saying that your best friend, Dinah, has a girlfriend and you can't decide who's hotter?" Lauren laughs loudly, almost spilling the the beer from inside her bottle on Camila's tiny bed. "I need photos."

Camila nods and laughs before taking another sip of her own beer. The two girls had been lounging on her bed for quite some time now, leaning against the posters on her wall, which were huge pictures of the girl who sat beside her all night. It was a weird situation.

She takes out her phone and shows Lauren a picture of Dinah and her girlfriend.

Lauren snatches the phone out of the girl's hands. "Okay whoa." She says. "Dude, That's Dinah right? She's hot!"

Camila's eyes widen.

She examines the photo closely before taking another sip of her drink. "You know what though?" She mutters as she hands the phone back to Camila, who is smiling up at her while she leans against the poster filled wall.

"What?" She asks the green eyed girl, retrieving her phone back and feeling a little tipsier than she would've liked. It's a Thursday night and she'd have classes tomorrow morning.

"I think this girl is the hottest on the picture." Lauren comments, pointing at a certain someone on Camila's phone. Camila starts blushing and quickly locks her phone after looking away from her favorite singer.

"Shut up.." She mumbles, knowing very well that Lauren Jauregui just pointed at her on the picture and that she'd just been called hot by a very hot girl.

"Just stating my opinion." Lauren says then, leaning back against the wall her face was plastered upon multiple times and taking another swig of her drink. "What happened to confident 'tell me i'm hot on this picture' Camila?" She wonders out loud then as the brown eyed girl she's talking about is now nervously fidgeting with the label of the beer bottle.

"She's- She is-" Camila stutters softly. "She's not always-"

"She's not always there, huh?" Lauren finishes her sentence. "I was only kidding, I don't expect you to be confident at all times or anything." She tell the nervous looking girl. "I'm not always confident either. Far from it actually."

This is when Camila looks up from the bottle again with a tiny little smile on her face. Lauren then then turns around abrubtly and looks up at the wall of posters. "I mean how can someone possibly be like this all the time?" She asks the girl beside her, pointing at one of the photos where's she's performing on a huge stage and smiling at the crowd. She then shrugs. "No one."

Camila nods and takes another sip of her drink in silence. "I mean why else do you think I'm an alcoholic?"

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