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"What was that about?" Lauren says as she jumps out of her SUV and Camila gets out of hers.

The brunette sighs and shrugs. "Management." She states simply.

The car she'd just gotten out of, drives backwards and away from Lauren's property and the two are left alone in Lauren's yard, together with her bodyguards, who stand around awkwardly.

"What do you mean management?" Lauren asks. "She didn't really seem to like me, did she? Who is she?"

"Babe, could we like.. not do this right now?"

Lauren sighs. "I just.. I wanna know."

"Her name is Trisha Davidson and she's my publicist, since this weekend." Camila says then, swinging her backpack over her shoulder and walking towards the entrance of Lauren's house, together with her.

"Ugh.. babe.." Lauren sighs, taking her hand in hers. "Please tell me your contract doesn't say they can decide who you're dating.."

Camila looks down at the ground as they walk through the yard, towards the front door. "I- I didn't think they really would care about my relationship statu-"

"Baby.." Lauren whines. "I told you to read it carefully and-"

"I know Lauren but I didn't read it well enough and I didn't have time to do so back then. Shawn read it for me and so now I'm stuck with this contract for a year and then it'll be fine. Okay?"

"A year of hiding what we have doesn't really sound fun to me." Lauren says, her front door being opened for her by her guards.

"Yeah well.. as if your management wants us to be together.."

"No." Lauren replies. "But, my contract ended a month ago. I can do whatever the fuck I want now. I'm not stuck to the label or the managers anymore."

"Well good. But I am stuck."

"Do they already have a beard?" Lauren wonders as they step into the living room.

Camila remains quiet.

"Camz, for real?!"

"I'm sorry!" Camila says loudly, annoyed by the situation as well. "I don't like it either."

"Fuck.." Lauren says, sitting down on the couch, running a hand through her long hair. "Fuck, Camila. Who is it?"

"I don't know." Camila replies, shrugging as she stares at the ground, her face worried. "His name is Matthew, I think."

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