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This is the moment of truth. The moment that she's been waiting on for months.

She watches how the brown eyed girl in front of her scans her down with her eyes and stands there, mouth opened wide.

"I mean I kinda tried telling you.." Lauren speaks up, her fingers scratching the back of her own head slowly.

Camila just stares at her, in complete awe and surprise. "Oh my god." She hears her mumble. "You're.. Laur-Lauren Jauregui."

"Please come in?" Lauren asks the girl, her voice again softer than expected. She just hopes with all of her energy that the girl in front of her will not run away.

Camila stands in silence for a few more seconds before nodding slowly and reaching down to the floor to grab the paper bag that she had dropped.

"Mu-muffins." She mumbles, almost inaudible. "From th- the cute c-cafe I told you- 'bout" She trails off.

"Oh god, yeah I remember!" Lauren exclaims. "Nawh that's sweet that you brought some with you." She says, trying to normalize the situation as well as she could.

Camila just nods, still looking like a dear staring in headlights, and stares at Lauren.

"Come on in." Lauren says, motioning for Camila to come inside the huge building that she can call her home. Or well, one of her homes.

Camila stares around the hallway she is being guided into and looks around her with an open mouth. Her eyes land on the girl in front of her and she has to pinch herself in order to make sure she isn't dreaming.

They walk into a living-room section where a huge couch is stood in the middle of the room. "Camz?" Lauren says as she notices how scared the other girl looks. "Its just me okay, the girl you texted with. You know who I am remember?" She says calmly. She then steps forward and takes one of the girls hands in hers and plays with her fingers. "I mean you're pretty much the only person who really knows me." She adds.

A huge lump has formed in Camila's throat and she swallows hard, the sensation of no one other than Lauren Jauregui grabbing her hand and saying those words, incredible.

She nods quickly.

"You look really nice." Lauren comments then. "Just as nice as on the pictures."

A smile forms onto Camila's face then and she lets out a small laugh. "Hot you mean?" She cockily replies, her comment gaining a laugh from the beautiful girl standing in front of her.

"Very hot." Lauren says then before dissapearing behind a wall. "What do you wanna drink?"

Camila tries wiping the smile on her face away but is incapable of doing so. "Water please." She replies.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now