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"Lauren.." Camila breathes out as she rushes towards the girl, who's crouched onto the ground. Her green eyes look up then and Camila notices that she's holding something in her hands, a book.

"You're- you-" Camila stutters, looking at her in disbelief. "You're reading a book?"

She burst out into laughter then, throws the book on the floor and gets up from the floor. "Come here." She says while Camila hears Dinah appear from behind her. "I just had to come here and watch you perform." She says into Camila's ear as she opens her arms and walks towards her. Camila can't help but smile. "You did so great!" She says as she wraps her arms around the brown eyed girl.

Camila is immediately met with Lauren's familiar scent that she'd missed so much the past couple of weeks.

"You can never leave for this long again." She breathes out as she closes her eyes and let's herself relax in Lauren's embrace.

Just A Text Away  - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now