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Lauren rushes a nervous hand through her hair before sitting behind the tiny table that the hotel room provided. She was pretty sure she had never been this nervous in her entire life. What if Camila would run away from her when she knew who she was. What if it would all get too much for the 21 year old college girl.

"LAUREN!" A voice shouts from the hallway. Lauren sighs, knowing who it is.

"What is it Claire!? I'm busy!"

"Louis is here for you!"

Lauren gets up from the desk-chair and storms towards the hotel-room door. "I told you I don't have time today!" She hisses after having opened the door and seeing the blonde haired woman stand in front of her with an annoying grin on her face. "So make sure he has his own fucking room and tell him Ill see him tomorrow!"

And with that, the 22 year old shuts the door in the woman's face and rushes back to where her laptop is standing. "We ordered some paparazzi for today though, we need a public appearance today!" Claire shouted through the door.

"I DON'T CARE!" Lauren shouts, her face red with anger. "MAKE IT WORK FOR TOMORROW!"

"Yes ma'am." She hears Claire mutter then before the woman is hopefully making her way down the other side of the hallway. Lauren knows she was being harsh and mean to the woman but she was the one destroying 50% of her life, and so she feels like she was allowed to.


"Fuck.." Lauren mumbles, seeing the tiny photo on her laptop screen appear that she had linked to the girl she was crushing so damn hard on. She then looks at the tiny whiskey bottle next to her laptop, her nerves getting too much for her.

She decides to not take a sip of the intoxicating liquid however, since she is going to speak with Camila Cabello for the first time and the poor girl is going to see that she is actually who she said that she is.

"Fuckkk.." Lauren groans as the face-time, tune sounds again and rings through her hotel room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck.."

She feels too weak and reaches forward to take the whiskey bottle from the table before taking a swig from it, the liquid hardly burning in her throat no longer. Lauren is an alcoholic and she knows it. 

"I can't.." She mumbles then after placing the bottle back on the table and seeing the tiny Camila picture pop up again, the girl calling her once more. She takes her phone from her pocket and shoots the girl a text.

JustLaur: Camila, I'm so sorry but I can't..

ItsCameela: Lauren...

JustLaur: Im so sorry..

ItsCameela: Why can't we face-time. Why are you so scared? I just wanna see you..

JustLaur: I'm scared you'll run away.

ItsCameela: Yeah well youre pushing me away now

JustLaur: Please don't leave..

ItsCameela: I can't do this any longer Lo, I need to know who you are..

ItsCameela: Do you get that?

JustLaur: I do.. but I'm so sorry.. I'm so scared Camila.

ItsCameela: I promise I won't run..

JustLaur: You will run when you really get to know who I am..

JustLaur: I can't right now.. I'm sorry..

ItsCameela: I can't go with the lies anymore Lauren

ItsCameela: This only proves more that you aren't who you say you are.

ItsCameela: You're a fake fuckin creep and I can't do this any longer

ItsCameela: It's fucking draining and I need my energy for other stuff in life..

JustLaur: Please Camz.. don't go

ItsCameela: Please don't even try.. I gave you enough chances..

ItsCameela: I have to focus on myself now..

JustLaur: Camila.. I need you in my life

JustLaur: You don't understand how much better you make everything

ItsCameela: I'm sorry

JustLaur: Camila please..

JustLaur: Camz..

JustLaur: Camila please talk to me

JustLaur: No.. no please don't leave

JustLaur: Camila..

JustLaur: I need you

JustLaur: You make everything better

JustLaur: Caamlia ar u hr

JustLaur: Caamz i nEed yu he re

JustLaur: Plese cme bakc

JustLaur: Camz??

-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: NO

-Message did not arrive-


-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: DOtn BLCOk ME

-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: Shit

-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: HSIT

-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: Camdhb Juh can't;t BlLock me

-Message did not arrive-

JustLaur: I nd you

-Message did not arrive-

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