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Lauren remains quiet while she stares at Lucy's face. She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't want to lie and say that she feels those kind of things for the other girl too. She'd just felt the attraction and she needed the distraction. Lucy is a nice girl, but she just isn't in love with her.

"But you don't feel the same way about me, and I know that." Lucy says then, her brown eyes filled with tears as she speaks. "And that's okay. I know you needed someone to talk to and to distract you from all your troubles. I realised that that's what it was about from the first night you called me, asking if I'd want to have a drink with you somewhere.." She sighs. "I'd just hoped secretly that you would fall for me the way I fell for you."

Lauren stares at her face, from which a few tears are falling down now. "I- I'm sorry Luce.. I-"

"No don't be.." Lucy replies, her voice raspier than usual as she spoke. "I- I was there Lauren. I could've stopped it all, but I kinda didn't want to either."

"I shouldn't have used you like that.. I'm so sorry.." Lauren breathes out, looking down and tearing up as well. "I-"

"Lauren stop." Lucy says, rushing a hand through the other girl's hair before playing with it while smiling down at her. "It's okay. We both did it. Don't blame yourself, I wanted it too."

"I know." Lauren sighs, wiping her tears away angrily. "Now I just feel like every time I called you up these past two months I only used you for some company and some sex."

Lucy laughs then. "Oh my god, don't say it like that. I'm not your personal whore or something."

Lauren chuckles drily as well. "Well the media would love that." She says, making Lucy chuckle again. "Seriously though, I don't want you to feel used or anything. I did- well do like it when you're here.. just as- as fr-"

"Friends." Lucy finishes her sentence for her. She nods. "We should stop doing.. other things then.."

"Yeah, I think we should." Lauren agrees as Lucy sits back in her chair and looks at her.

"Okay." She says. "I can do that."

"Okay." Lauren says. "I- Thanks.. I- jheez this is so awkward. I'm friend zoning you so hard right now."

Lucy's laugh fills the room once more. "It's okay miss superstar, we'll just be regular friends from now on. Nothing more, nothing less. Okay?"

Lauren reaches out her hand to grab the other girl's. "Thanks Luce.. really."

"I care for you and your stupid feelings, dumbass. It's fine. You almost died okay? There are more awful things in the world than you friend zoning me."

Lauren chuckles before she feels her eyelids are starting to grow heavier.

"Tired?" Her friend asks her, to which she nods.


"Go sleep."

"But I've been sleeping for ten days."

"Just go sleep for a couple of hours then. I'll wake you up in the morning."

Lauren closes her eyes, a small smile on her face as she nods. "Okay." She knew she still had a lot of things to worry about. Including the fact that she could already use a drink. Be she chooses to just try and relax right now and drifts off to sleep.

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