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Camila is stunned and can't move or speak. But it isn't really necessary because before she knows it, the guy that had been standing in front of her, is pushed away by someone.

"She doesn't want to." The person says. Camila snaps out of her daze and recognizes the person to be the one and only Lauren Jauregui.

Shawn is completely surprised and just kinda stands there, staring at both Camila and Lauren. It takes a while before he seems to realize who's actually standing in front of him. "Holy shit, you're.."

"The one and only, kid. So please get out of our way and let me escape from this hellhole." Lauren sassily replies before grabbing Camila's hand and pulling her with her. Dinah hurries behind then and pets Shawn on the shoulder. "I'm sorry bro, nice try." She says before running after the famous popstar and her best friend.

Lauren let's go of Camila's hand when the smaller girl pulled on it quite harshly. "That was rude, Lo. You were mean to him." She says to her, her eyebrows furrowed as she stares into two very green eyes.

"Well babe, I don't care."


Dinah puts a hand in front of Camila's mouth then and shushes her. "Shut the fuck up you two. There are hundreds of teenagers looking for a famous pop singer right now and we don't wanna get her killed so let's move."

Camila rolls her eyes before following her best friend. Lauren does the same, not wanting to be in the newspapers for doing something stupid again.

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