Chapter 55 - Everyone Has A Story

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Izuku took a good look at this leopard. He seemed very familiar.

"Who are you?" Everest growled.

"Oh? You don't recognize me? Did your little wolf never tell you? Did he not tell you what he did?" The leopard glared at Locco.

"Locco? You know this guy?"

"I... I don't remember..."

"Really now? You don't remember when you destroyed my home? I was just a little cub back then, but I remember very clearly who destroyed me and my mom's den." The leopard looked towards Kion. "Oh and you. Don't tell me you don't remember when you blew my mother away with that freaky roar?"

Now Izuku realized why this leopard is so familiar. He has the eyes of the leopard who killed Nala, most likely his mother.

"Your mother killed mine!" Kion growled back.

"Oh, so you do remember. Good, good. Because now, I'm here to take my revenge." Then he leaped towards them. The pack spreads out, then hides behind the trees.

Everest linked their minds. 'Are all of you alright?'

Each member said their confirmation. 'Kion, you need to be careful. He said he's here to take revenge, so he's most likely targeting you.' Izuku warned.

'He could also target Locco. He said you destroyed his den when he was a cub. You were most likely a little pup as well back then. Do you remember anything from back then?' Addison asked.

'It might be why his mother attacked you when I first found you.' Izuku added.

'I... I think I was trying out my quirk... it was an accident, a trial and error! I didn't mean to destroy their home...'

'Well, at least we now know that they don't just attack because they want to. They have a story behind it. Hmm... Kion, do you know any place that could be this leopard's home?'

'I... I think I saw some kind of small cave on a mountain side... it could be his home if he wants it to be.' Kion replied.

'Alright, let's lead him there.'

Kion ran toward the place he mentioned, gaining the leopard's attention. 'I got him on my tail now. Can you guys make sure he keeps his distance with me?'

'We're on it!'

The leopard growled and chased Kion. "Come back here! You are such a coward! Why don't you fight?!"

'We're here! Woah- Guys, how do I get this leopard out of my tail?!' Kion ran around as the leopard kept chasing him.

'I'm on it!' Locco lifted up the ground beneath the leopard, startling him, but it stayed on the platform.

"Uh, Locco, I think you forgot something..." Izuku looked up at the leopard who's looking down.

"Huh? What?"

"Cats... land on their feet!" They ran away from the growling leopard. He jumped down and started chasing Kion again.

"Woah! Guys! A little help?"

"What should I do?" Locco asked, worried. He wanted to help.

"Alright, make the ground go down, not up." Addison instructed.

Locco did what she said and trapped the leopard in a hole.

The pack looks down in the hole.

"You cheater! Get me out of here so we can have a fair fight!"

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