Chapter 113 - Lesson with Feliciano

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"Hmm? What do you mean? Don't you just... like... you know, pick a house then give the money?"

Feli looked at the green haired boy who was tilting his head innocently. "No. It takes months to set up the contract, let alone find a good one."

"What?! Months?! Really?!" Izuku pursed his lips. "That won't do..."

"It's alright, Izuku. We'll make do."

"But... where are you living right now? Where are you sleeping?"

"A secure alley, but it's fi-"

"Heeeeeh???" Izuku shrieked. "No no no no no no no. I will not let this continue. You have a child!"

Izuku ran out, grabbing his usual bag.

"Wait- Izuku!" Feli sighed. "I should not have said anything..."

"He'd figure it out sooner or later." Addison snickered. "Your appearance says it all."

Feli, not understanding what she's saying, just deadpanned, looking at her. "I feel like you're mocking me right now and I do not appreciate it."

It just made the wolves laugh more.


"Alright, time to go home, Cyrus." Feli said as the girl ran towards him, taking his hand.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Feli blinked, turning to Dabi who had his arms crossed.

"Home. Like usual." He paused. "Oh, do I still have work to do?"

"I heard about it. You don't get to walk out of my sight anytime soon. Why are you lying about not having a home?"

"A- How... did you know?" Feli frowned.

"A certain vigilante that we both know." Dabi sighed. "Nevermind that. You, mister, are coming with me. Cyrus too, of course."

"Where are we going, exactly?"

"My home. And you're staying there until you get your own." Dabi said, taking Feli's bag. "I'm taking this so I know you're gonna follow me. Jesus Christ, a grown man with a child, not knowing how to get help." He muttered the last part as he walked away.

"Dabi, wait. I'm grateful, but you've already done so much for us."

"Shut up and come already. My brother's waiting for me and he knows we're sharing with two people. The room's all prepared, so he and I will be pissed if you refuse."

Feli sighed. 'Izuku... you're too much sometimes.'

"Mister Feli...?"

"Yes, dear?" Feli crouched to get to her height.

"Why is Mister Dabi angry? Did we do something wrong?"

"No, Cyrus. Dabi isn't angry. He's just frustrated. He knows where we've been living and he doesn't like it. So now... he's taking us to his home. Looks like we'll be living there for a while."

"With a comfy bed?" Cyrus' eyes sparkled.

"Yep. Now let's go. Your rooms are waiting patiently for you." Dabi sighed. "Hurry it up, I've got somewhere to be."

With that, Feli and Cyrus were welcomed into Dabi's house.


"Alright, Izuku. A month before the UA entrance exam. Do you feel ready now?" Feli asked after he quizzed him.

"Plenty ready! I am super confident now. I answered all your questions correctly, and I am plenty confident of my answers!"

Feli ruffled his hair. "You've done well."

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