Chapter 70 - Time's Up

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"Zashi! Come on! Tora is already pawing at the door!" Aizawa called.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! It takes time to do my hair, you know!" Hizashi argued, running to the front door.

"Next time, we'll leave without waiting for you. Seriously, how are you a hero with your time management skills?"

"Hey! My time management skill is fine, mister underground hero. Besides, this isn't even hero work. We're just visiting a friend."

"What were you doing with your hair anyway? It looks exactly the same."

"Unlike you, Shouta, I brush my hair. And I make sure I don't have any split ends, which I'm sure you do."

Tora meowed, getting the arguing couple's attention.

"We should get going rather than arguing on the front door. Sorry, Tora." Aizawa said, opening the door as Tora climbed to his scarf.

"Why do you always wear your capture weapon? We're just visiting Meian, not capturing a villain."

"You never know when you come across one." Aizawa paused. "Besides, it makes me feel safe." He added quietly.

Hizashi's eyes softened and didn't say anything else. They walked to the forest in comfortable silence.


Putting on his hoodie, Meian waited for the three guests. Raven was already with the lions and he made a plan for if he had to go. So why is he still so worried?

"They're near, Izuku." Kion informed.

Izuku stood up. "Then let's go greet them, shall we?" He walked out with the pack following him.

Tora ran towards Kion as they met.

"Hey, Meian." Aizawa waved.

"And hello to the pack as well!" Hizashi grinned happily.

Meian nodded in greeting.

'That was weird...' Aizawa thought.

"Let's go to the river, yeah?" Meian asked, gesturing to the said place.

"Yep! As usual." Hizashi was still grinning, happy as can be.

They went on to the river, sitting under the usual tree, and they talked.

'Meian seems to be less talkative than normal... is there something going on?' Aizawa observed. He looked at the wolves, playing. 'The wolves seem to be just fine. What is causing this behavior?'

Tora noticed the behavior change as well and asked Kion. "Is there something wrong here? Izuku isn't his usual self."

"Well, it's nothing you should worry about... it's nothing about the wolves, nor me and my friends." Kion answered.

"Then what is it?"

Kion looked at Izuku and sighed. "It's something in the lion pride. Morana isn't looking great." He said, quietly.

"Is she sick? Can't Tucker do something about it?" Tora asked, matching Kion's tone.

"Using Izuku's words, it's mother nature's doing." Kion explained, and Tora understood.


'Why am I so anxious? Everything is fine. I don't need to worry about anything. Nothing is going to happen right now.' Izuku told himself over and over again, but he knew in his gut that it was wrong. Something was going to happen, and sometimes, he just wanted to be wrong.

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