Chapter 102 - Spar with Kacchan

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'I need to check on Kacchan soon. I haven't met him since the sludge villain attack. I really hope he's okay...'

Izuku sat on a park bench, taking out the phone Bakugou gave him. 'I should send him a message. The attack was on the news, so I think it's safe to mention it without revealing I was there.'



Kacchan, can we meet up?

I saw the news about the sludge villain

Are you okay?


Park in ten


Izuku blinked. 'Guess I'll just wait for him here then.'

As he waited for his friend, he saw a pair of red wings in the distance. 'It's Hawks.' He smiled. 'I hope he's doing well.'

He watched the hero twisting and turning in the air. 'What is he doing? Putting on a show? Is he a distraction for a villain? Or is he entertaining his fans?'

"Oy, Deku. Get out of your head already."

"Kacchan!" Izuku stood up, turning around to face his friend. "Has it been ten minutes?"

"The fuck are you looking at anyway?" Bakugou looked up. "Oh, it's that hero."

"Kacchan, how are you?" Izuku asked.

"The fuck does that mean? I'm always fucking amazing."

"Kacchan, can you dip your head into a pool?"

Bakugou flinched. "The fuck do you know..."

"Kacchan, I was attacked by the same villain before. I know how it feels. Though it's been years now."

Bakugou frowned. "When is this?"

"Uhh, some time before my fifth birthday."

"Wait, that long?? That was before... vigilante." He said quietly. "Right? How did you deal with that thing back then??"

"The villain wasn't as big as yours, but it was still bigger than me. Again the only thing solid is the eyes. I... stabbed it with a pencil." Izuku said, remembering the event. "Oh, and then All Might came."

"Ah, he saved you then?"

"Nah, I saved myself. All Might just captured the villain. After that attack I felt the lingering phantom pain in my lungs. I was afraid of swimming, remember?"

"Vaguely." Bakugou tried to remember.

"I was also afraid of being held like this." Izuku covered his own mouth and nose with his hand. "It would remind me of what happened and I'd start to suffocate. I didn't like masks very much either."

"What did you do?" Bakugou asked.

"To get over it? Well, I guess time is a factor. But I tried little by little dipping my head in water. I filled a bowl full of water and dipped my head in it. Eventually, I got over it. I usually do that while showering though."

"And... the covering your nose and mouth thing?"

"I still feel like I'm going to suffocate if someone does that to me, but it's getting better, I suppose. Either way, to get over something like this, you gotta start small. I started with just putting a thin cloth over my mouth, then when I'm comfortable with that, I started wearing a mask more often. Eventually, I can put my face onto fluffy fur." Izuku explained, thinking of his pack.

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